中新网1月27日电 加拿大七天传媒报道,加拿大联邦参议员胡子修27日致信七天传媒,向海内外侨胞恭贺新春并祝北京冬奥会圆满成功。
![( 图片来源:加拿大七天传媒) 加拿大七天传媒 摄 ( 图片来源:加拿大七天传媒) 加拿大七天传媒 摄](http://i2.chinanews.com.cn/simg/ypt/2022/220127/7ef4f08e-c837-4f22-b565-baf65d60afac_zsite.jpg)
Hon. Senator Victor Oh
January 26,2022
The beginning of February marks the Lunar New Year, an auspicious holiday celebrated in many Asian cultures around the world. Sometimes referred to as Chinese New Year or Spring Festival, this holiday will be celebrated from February1st to the15th and will welcome the Year of the Tiger. According to the zodiac calendar, the tiger is characterized as courageous, strong, and generous– traits that should be embraced by all as we navigate the new challenges in the year ahead.
As the Lunar New Year is one of the most important festivals in traditional Asian culture, it is far more than just celebrating the transition of zodiac signs. Most importantly, it is a celebration of family and friends, a time to reflect on the past while contemplating the future.
The Lunar New Year is also the time to reflect upon and commemorate the contributions of Canadians of Asian descent. The Asian-Canadian community has a rich history here in our great nation– from constructing Canada’s railways in the1800’s to the Chinese Exclusion Act that was repealed in1947– Asian Canadians have demonstrated significant resilience, perseverance, and strength.
This Lunar New Year also coincides with the Winter Olympics in Beijing, allowing Canadians and people from all over the world to share in the celebration of the New Year. I hope you will join me in cheering on Team Canada as we showcase our talent on the world stage.
No matter how or where you will be celebrating the Year of the Tiger, please accept my best wishes for a safe and prosperous Lunar New Year.
The Honourable Victor Oh
Senator- Ontario