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More martyrs' remains to be returned to China from ROK


2022-07-04 09:03:09

The remains of more Chinese People"s Volunteers (CPV) martyrs killed in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea will be returned to China from the Republic of Korea (ROK) in September, China"s Ministry of Veterans Affairs said Sunday.

It will be the ninth repatriation of the remains of CPV martyrs following the signing of a handover agreement between the two countries. Between 2014 and 2021, the remains of 825 soldiers were returned to China from the ROK, according to official figures.

China and the ROK have agreed that both sides will work with each other to properly handle the handover work and further deepen exchanges in this regard, the ministry said in a statement.

Almost 200,000 CPV soldiers were confirmed killed in the War to Resist U.S. Aggression and Aid Korea, with most buried on the Korean Peninsula.

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