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China urges India to provide fair, non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises


2022-07-08 09:03:06

The Chinese Embassy in India urged the Indian side to effectively provide a "fair, just and non-discriminatory business environment for Chinese enterprises to invest and operate in India."

On Tuesday, the Directorate of Enforcement raided Vivo and its dealers at 44 production and operation sites across the country for allegedly violating the provisions of The Prevention of Money Laundering Act.

In response to media queries on the raid, spokesperson of Chinese Embassy in India Counselor Wang Xiaojian said on Wednesday that "China wishes the Indian side to investigate and enforce the law in compliance with laws and regulations."

"The frequent investigations by the Indian side into Chinese enterprises not only disrupt the enterprises" normal business activities and damage the goodwill of the enterprises, but also impedes the improvement of the business environment in India and chills the confidence and willingness of market entities from other countries, including Chinese enterprises, to invest and operate in India," Wang said.

"The essence of China-India economic and trade cooperation is for mutual benefit and win-win results," the spokesperson added.

He said China-India trade volume has reached a historical record of over 100 billion U.S. dollars in 2021, which, he noted, "reflects the huge potential and broad prospect of economic and trade cooperation between our two countries."

"The Chinese government always asks Chinese enterprises to abide by laws and regulations overseas and firmly supports Chinese enterprises in safeguarding their legitimate rights and interests," Wang said.

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