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Behind Tellus A's "roller coaster" share price: Shareholders took the opportunity to reduce their holdings of "rent collection" to contribute 40% of revenue


2022-06-10 09:52:34

Our reporter Li Chunlian

Trainee reporter Xu Linyan

5月25日至6月9日,Tellus A股价连续11个交易日“涨停”,其中9个涨停,2个涨停。股价“过山车”背后的故事是什么?




2015年,Tellus A因国企改革理念而暴涨。2015年9月13日,《关于深化国企改革的指导意见》发布。随后3个月(9月14日)至2015年12月8日),Tellus A实现26次涨停,市场表现十分抢眼。因此,不少投资者充满期待,希望Tellus A能够复制当年的大涨。

然而,就在特力斯A股价不断涨跌之际,其股东抛出减持计划。5月31日,特力斯A股东深圳圆之富海珠宝产业投资企业(有限合伙)(以下简称“圆之富海”) ),持股5%以上的股东,拟自公告之日起15个交易日后六个月内公告。公司通过集中竞价、大宗交易方式减持股份不得超过2586.35万股。


"Rent collection" contributes 40% of revenue

In 2021, the company's largest source of revenue is property leasing and services, achieving revenue of 205 million yuan, accounting for 40.33%; the company's automobile sales revenue accounted for 38.22% from 48.28% in 2020.

In the past year, what happened to Tellus A's car sales business?

Tellus A mentioned in its annual report that new energy vehicles have become the biggest bright spot in the automotive industry, and the company's new car sales and after-sales services have been greatly impacted, especially for low-end and mid-end brands; From August to October 2019, most manufacturers reduced production by more than 50%, which directly affected the business of each store; the impact of the new insurance policy and annual review policy in 2020 was revealed, and Tellus A’s maintenance business and overhaul business were also significantly reduced.

The 2021 annual report shows that Shenzhen Huari Toyota Automobile Sales and Service Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of the company, achieved revenue of 246 million yuan and net profit of 914,400 yuan, and the cash flow generated by operating activities was negative.In the first quarter of 2022, the company sold 16 electric vehicles.

In this regard, Tellus A staff said that the company does not only operate the automobile business.The company mainly sells Toyota 4S stores, and the electric vehicles sold are also Toyota brands.After the strategic direction adjustment in 2014, the company's entire development focus is on the direction of the third-party jewelry sales platform.

However, Tellus A's jewelry wholesale and retail business will only account for 11.68% of its revenue in 2021.Coupled with the weak car sales business, Tellus A can only contribute revenue by "renting" in 2021.It is understood that Tellus A is the largest owner in the Tellus Jimeng Gold Jewelry Industrial Park in Shuibei area. After the Tellus Jewelry Building is fully put into use, the monthly occupancy rate of the tower and the podium will reach 99% in 2021.In addition, the construction project of Tellus Gold Diamond Trading Building is also progressing as planned.The company also holds a large number of properties in Shenzhen Luohu, Futian and other areas, which can bring stable business income and cash flow to the company.


(Editor in charge: Guan Jing)

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