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Hongjiu Fruit and Chongqing China-Singapore Bureau to build an ASEAN agricultural product distribution center


2022-05-28 13:07:01

According to China Securities Network, on May 20, the Chongqing Sino-Singapore Demonstration Project Administration (hereinafter referred to as "Chongqing Sino-Singapore Bureau") signed a framework agreement with Chongqing Hongjiuguopin, which will seize the new opportunities for the development of the digital economy and industrial Internet, utilize Cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, and intelligent terminal technology will build the Sino-Singapore (Chongqing) Hongjiu·ASEAN Agricultural Products Distribution and Trading Center (hereinafter referred to as the "ASEAN Agricultural Products Distribution and Trading Center").

According to the report, this is another important development of the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project.Zeng Jinghua, director of the Chongqing Sino-Singapore Demonstration Project Administration, said that Chongqing Sino-Singapore Bureau and Hongjiuguopin will give full play to the role of the China-Singapore (Chongqing) Strategic Connectivity Demonstration Project as a national strategic platform to actively integrate Singapore and other ASEAN countries and the western part of the country. Resources from all over the country support the ASEAN Agricultural Products Distribution and Trading Center to become bigger and stronger.

According to the framework agreement, the ASEAN Agricultural Products Distribution and Trading Center will rely on the Chongqing hub-ASEAN advantage to build a whole industrial chain of fruit and agricultural products distribution, trading, sorting, production, processing, warehousing, logistics, testing, finance, big data, and smart technology. Gradually form a global agricultural digital distribution trading center integrating import and export.

According to the report, as a partner of the ASEAN Agricultural Products Distribution and Trading Center, Hongjiu Fruit is China's largest import supplier of Southeast Asian fruits, with an "end-to-end" supply chain, focusing on high-quality products mainly originating in China, Thailand and Vietnam. Operation of the whole fruit industry chain.Deng Hongjiu, chairman of Hongjiu Fruit, said that the key to the construction of the ASEAN Agricultural Products Distribution and Trading Center lies in the guidance and support of national strategies and government policies such as the "Belt and Road" initiative and the new international land-sea trade channel.

According to the framework agreement, the agricultural product distribution and trading center will achieve four major orientations: first, to drive the growth of ASEAN agricultural product trade in Chongqing port area; second, to guide the export of domestically produced fine fruits and other agricultural products to ASEAN countries; third, to promote the supply chain support for international trade in agricultural products between Chongqing and ASEAN The service has been improved in an all-round way; the fourth is to build an ecological circle of agricultural products industry in China and ASEAN countries, and attract the main bodies of upstream and downstream industries to settle in Chongqing.

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