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New Zealand's new persimmon season is about to start, 70% of this season's production is exported overseas


2022-05-29 16:58:04

The New Zealand persimmon season is about to start in the next few weeks, and growers expect an optimistic yield.

"The quality of the fruit looks good, it's big, the volume is good and it's likely to be bigger than last year's supply," said Ian Turk, manager of the New Zealand Persimmon Industry Council.

The bulk of this season's output is expected to be exported overseas, as logistical problems ease somewhat from the early days of the outbreak.

"While we still face labour and transport challenges, our export markets are very much looking forward to the arrival of New Zealand persimmons," Turk explained.

"About 70% of our production this season, worth 10 million New Zealand dollars (about 42.885 million yuan), will be exported to Australia, the United States, mainland China and Hong Kong, Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Malaysia and other markets."

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