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The first Thai "Durian Express" cargo ship of the year arrives at Nansha Port


2022-05-29 16:59:12

According to a headline in Thailand, a cargo ship carrying more than 3,000 tons of fresh fruits such as durian and mangosteen arrived at Nansha Port in Guangzhou recently.This is also the first "Durian Express Line" in Guangzhou Nansha Port Area this year. It only took four days to arrive in Guangzhou from Laem Chabang Port in Thailand.

The staff at Nansha Port in Guangzhou said that fruits such as durians need to be transported quickly to keep them fresh.Therefore, the port has made plans and epidemic prevention procedures in advance, including the implementation of "point-to-point" transportation services, and the use of fresh fruit import customs clearance procedures to shorten the entire transportation time.

Guangzhou is the largest fruit distribution center in southern China, and Nansha Port provides comprehensive cold chain management logistics that can maintain the freshness of high-demand imported fruits such as durian.

At present, a number of shipping companies have opened express routes to import goods from Thailand to Nansha Port.Imports of fresh durians from Thailand to Nansha Port are expected to exceed 4,000 boxes in 2022.

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