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New Zealand Aifei apples: The first batch of the new season will be sent to Asia this week to cooperate and charter ships to reduce logistics risks


2022-05-29 17:08:21

T&G Global New Zealand's new season of Envy apples will start exporting this week.The first shipments will depart from the port of Napier in the Hawke's Bay region of the country's North Island for Asia.

The company expects that the export volume of New Zealand Aifei apples this season will be around 2 million boxes, which will be exported to more than 60 countries around the world.

“Last year, our Ai Fei sold out in Asia, even early,” said Rachel Stotter, director of sales at T&G Global."Following the success of the Chinese Lunar New Year marketing campaign, sales of our Northern Hemisphere Aifei apples are also very strong in Asia. This also brings an advantage to our New Zealand Ji Aifei."

T&G Global New Zealand Aifei apples are grown in major regions throughout Hawke's Bay, Gisborne and Nelson.

T&G Global is well-positioned and confident in its shipping plans, despite the ongoing instability caused by the pandemic and disruptions to global supply chains that pose business challenges.The company works closely with shipping partners and works with other New Zealand horticultural exporters on chartered vessels.

"There is no doubt that our industry has faced considerable pressures this season, such as labor shortages and congestion on the global shipping network," said Craig Betty, director of operations at T&G Global."Our team is tackling these issues head-on in innovative ways and doing everything we can to create another successful season of concubines."

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