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South African apples and pears: expanding marketing in China this season, focusing on trade and retail promotion


2022-05-29 17:15:53

The South African apple industry kicked off its Chinese marketing campaign last year with gratifying results.With South African pears also gaining access to the Chinese market, the country's pome fruit industry is expected to have the opportunity to develop more activities to support product sales.

“The most important objective of our marketing remains to increase export volumes and further market penetration, as well as to increase the value of South African apples and pears in the Chinese market,” said Jacques du Preez, Commercial Director of Trade and Markets at Horgro, the South African pome industry body."We generally focus on three aspects of marketing, namely: trade promotion to ensure that products successfully enter the market; retail promotion to ensure that our in-store products can be seen by consumers; finally, marketing to mass consumers, Including PR activities, social media planning and other parts."

He said that this year's marketing will focus on trade and retail, following last year's marketing initiative in the Chinese market."However, we must point out that South African apples and pears are at different stages of development in the Chinese market."He said that last season's apple marketing was very successful, raising awareness among traders about South African apples.

"We're seeing a strong response from importers, distributors and retailers. It's been a record season in terms of sales."South African pears are still relatively new to the Chinese market, having only recently officially acquired access.Pears produced in South Africa are often referred to as Western pears and are not well known among Chinese consumers.Pears have not yet been imported into China in large quantities.“While this presents challenges, it is also a unique opportunity to introduce fruit with a fresh look and taste to a country where consumers are constantly looking for new ones. As a supplier, South Africa is renowned for growing and delivering fruit of the highest quality and taste. We believe that Chinese consumers will find our pears special, and if we can actively promote them, it will be of great benefit to the industry."

He pointed out that this season's pear marketing will focus more on promotion and education on the trade side At the same time, a small amount of retail promotion will be carried out to introduce the product to consumers.“So far, the response we have received in the Chinese market has been very positive. Partners interested in South African apples include Pagoda, Goodfarmer, Golden Wing Mau and Tiantian Guoyuan (city supermarket). For pears, Goodfarmer and Pagoda are also All expressed their willingness to make an import attempt this season."

Goodfarmer also proposes to hold a launch event for the first arrivals of South African pears at the Shanghai Huizhan Fruit Wholesale Market.Goodfarmer and Pagoda are both potential partners for our retail promotion."TheChinese marketing campaign is scheduled to start in April, when there will be enough South African pome fruit on the market. Where possible, South African apples and pears will be promoted together," said Du Preez. "This will be in the first batch of South African pears will be launched as soon as they arrive in China,” he said.

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