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Hong Kong stock technology stocks ushered in a turning point, more than 4.5 billion funds entered the market through ETFs


2022-06-01 11:53:24

Securities Times reporter Zhang Zhibo

On Friday, U.S. stocks continued their rebound momentum. The three major indexes closed up collectively. The Dow rose 1.76%, the Nasdaq rose 3.33%, and the S&P 500 rose 2.47%.Positive earnings reports from technology companies and lower U.S. 10-year Treasury yields were the main factors driving U.S. stocks higher.In addition, the U.S. core PCE price index grew in line with expectations in April, and slower inflation also boosted the stock market.

U.S. stocks rose sharply, large technology stocks and Chinese concept stocks rose collectively, and Hong Kong stocks technology stocks also rose sharply.Securities Times·Databao sorted out the financial reports of listed companies and the latest research and judgments of securities companies to determine whether technology-based open-end index funds (ETFs) ushered in investment opportunities.

Alibaba and Baidu's performance exceeds expectations

Drive the general rise of the technology sector

On May 26, Alibaba released its financial results for the fourth quarter and full year of fiscal 2022.From January to March 2022, the company achieved revenue of 204.052 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 9%.Baidu's first quarterly report was equally splendid, with revenue of 28.411 billion yuan and net profit attributable to Baidu of 3.879 billion yuan.The performance of the two greatly exceeded market expectations, detonating the rise in the technology sector.

After the data was disclosed, the US stocks of Alibaba and Baidu both rose by more than 14% on the same day.On May 27, the Hong Kong stocks of Alibaba and Baidu soared by more than 12%.Other technology stocks rose one after another, driving the Hang Seng Technology Index up 3.8%.As a result, themed funds performed well.The Zhonggai Internet ETF, which holds heavy positions in Alibaba and Baidu, rose nearly 6%; the Hong Kong Technology 50 ETF and the Hong Kong Technology ETF rose more than 4%.

Some analysts pointed out that the Chinese Internet sector and technology stocks rose sharply, mainly due to the positive external news and the better-than-expected performance of the key constituents of the sector.Extending the time, after the Central Finance and Economics Committee held a meeting, since April 27th, the Zhonggai Internet ETF and the Hang Seng Internet ETF have risen by more than 10%; the Hang Seng Technology Index ETF and the Hong Kong Stock Technology 50 ETF have risen by more than 9%.

More than 4.5 billion funds flowed into the technology track

Star fund managers have increased their positions

In fact, all kinds of funds have been ambushed in the technology track for a long time.According to statistics from Databao, in the past January (from April 27 to now), the shares of the Hang Seng Technology Index ETF and the Hang Seng Internet ETF have increased by 3.006 billion and 2.68 billion, respectively.Calculated based on the average transaction price in the interval, the two received a net inflow of funds of 1.582 billion yuan and 1.202 billion yuan respectively.

During the same period, the share of Zhonggai Internet ETF increased by 1.278 billion; the share growth of Hong Kong Stock Connect 50 ETF, Hong Kong Stock Connect Internet ETF and Hong Kong Stock Technology 50 ETF all increased by more than 500 million shares, and the cumulative net inflow of the above six ETFs exceeded 4.5 billion yuan.

Zheshang Securities believes that Hang Seng Technology, represented by the platform economy, has ushered in the resonance of valuation bottom, policy bottom, and profit bottom. Hang Seng Technology has ushered in a turning point and entered the strategic allocation window.

Many star fund managers also increased their positions in Hong Kong technology stocks in the first quarter.E Fund Asia Select, which is owned by Zhang Kun and has a very high "Hong Kong content", increased its holdings of Alibaba by 770,000 shares in the first quarter, returning to its largest position; at the same time, it also increased its holdings in Tencent,, and Meituan.Another fund, E Fund Blue Chip Select, increased its holdings of Meituan by 5.4 million shares in the first quarter. At present, Meituan ranks tenth among the top stocks, accounting for 5.02% of the fund's net value.

Qiu Dongrong's Zhonggeng Value Pilot has a relatively large position adjustment in the first quarter. The latest largest stock is no longer Yanzhou Coal, but Meituan. 6.3368 million shares were bought from January to March this year, accounting for Reached 10.04%; at the same time, he also increased his holdings of 8.067 million shares in Kuaishou.Xie Zhiyu’s Xingquan Heyi also increased its holdings of Kuaishou in the first quarter, buying a net 6.23 million shares.

32 ETFs with heavy exposure to Hong Kong stocks and technology stocks

Data treasure has counted the list of ETFs that hold heavy positions in Hong Kong technology stocks, and a total of 32 funds are on the list.In terms of market conditions, ETFs that hold heavy positions in Hong Kong technology stocks have achieved general gains in the past January.Among them, the top Yinhua Hang Seng Hong Kong Stock Connect China Technology ETF rose by 10.24%; the net value of the next 11 ETFs rose by more than 9%.

Funds that hold heavy positions in Hong Kong technology stocks tend to be small in scale. As of the end of the first quarter, 12 of the 32 funds had a scale of less than 100 million yuan.There is only one fund with a scale of more than 10 billion yuan, which is the China AMC Hang Seng ETF, with a scale of 15.131 billion yuan; the second largest Hua Xia Hang Seng Technology ETF is also close to 10 billion yuan.

From the perspective of heavy positions in the first quarter, the top ten Hong Kong stock technology companies with heavy positions in the fund are: Tencent Holdings, Meituan-W, Kuaishou-W, Kingdee International, Sunny Optical Technology, Xiaomi Group-W, Haier Zhijia , SMIC, China Literature Group, Hua Hong Semiconductor.Institutions pay high attention to the big Internet companies, with 59 institutions rating Tencent Holdings, and more than 40 institutions participating in the ratings of Meituan and Kuaishou.

Among the above-mentioned stocks, 6 stocks have released a quarterly report.The two chip manufacturers Hua Hong Semiconductor and SMIC achieved high growth in performance, with an increase of 211.39% and 181.49% respectively.Hua Hong Semiconductor said that the company's performance growth was mainly due to the increase in demand for various technology platform products and chips.

(The special data of this edition is provided by the database of Securities Times Center. Peng Chunxia/Graphic)

【Editor: Shao Wanyun】

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