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The scale of the first phase is 1 billion! "Zhiyidai" and "Shanghai" science and technology enterprises resume work and production


2022-06-02 11:32:44

"The launch of 'Zhiyidai' has largely solved the difficulties faced by asset-light companies like us, and has played a key role in the special period," said Shi Lin, founder of Shanghai Maiteng Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd.

Recently, in order to implement the deployment of the Shanghai Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government on coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, the Intellectual Property Office of Pudong New Area and Bank of Shanghai launched a special financial product "Zhiyidai" to fully support regional small, medium and micro enterprises to fight the epidemic and develop steadily .It is reported that "Zhiyidai" will focus on intellectual property-intensive micro, small and medium-sized enterprises in Pudong New Area, with a scale of1billion in the first phase.

Financial empowerment of intellectual property-intensive enterprises

Shanghai Maiteng Internet of Things Technology Co., Ltd. is a technology -based enterprise established in2016, engaged in product research and development, production and manufacturing of the Internet of Vehicles industry. It has communication technology with independent intellectual property rights,5Gand vehicle-road collaboration technology and vehicle-level software and hardware. platform.During the epidemic, enterprises encountered great difficulties in customer service, supply chain operation and downstream customer supply, especially cash flow generated great pressure."For companies like us, due to the lack of collateral, it is difficult to obtain loans from banks through traditional financing channels." Shi Lin said, "Zhiyidai" is at the right time. Times have helped us a lot.

Liang Yingzhen, assistant general manager of Shanghai Nanxin Semiconductor Technology Co., Ltd. also thought the same, "For technology-based companies like us, the most valuable asset is core technology. After in-depth understanding of our products, technologies and other aspects , Bank of Shanghai can recognize our scientific and technological innovation attributes, recognize our intellectual property rights, and are willing to provide credit through intellectual property pledges, which provides a great confidence in the financing of technology-based enterprises."

It is reported that "Zhiyidai" is aimed atsmall and medium-sized enterprises that have a total of3 or more intellectual property rights in the form of patents, trademarks, geographical indications, integrated circuit layout designs, and copyrights in Pudong New Area.In terms of product design and process optimization, it is fully considered for enterprises, and has four characteristics of low cost, short approval, good service and high credit.For intellectual property-intensive micro, small and medium-sized enterprises with a single loan of no more than30million yuan and a loan term of no less than6months, approved by the bank for the first time, interest-free for one month when the loan expires.

Increase financial relief efforts for technology-based companies

Since the outbreak, in order to more effectively support the development of science and technology innovation enterprises, Bank of Shanghai has innovatively launched a variety of customized financial solutions for science and technology innovation in terms of products, services, channels and mechanisms to provide comprehensive financial support for science and technology innovation enterprises.

Recently, the bank has teamed up with the national intellectual property international operation platform to focus on the difficulties and pain points of financial difficulties faced by small, medium and micro science and technology enterprises under the influence of the epidemic, and launched exclusive financial services that combine the entire process of public listing and trading of intellectual property, focusing on solving the knowledge under the current special background. The financing needs of property-intensive small, medium and micro enterprises are "urgent, difficult, worried, and hopeful".

In 2021, the total number and amount of registration of patent pledges and trademark pledges in the Bank of Shanghai will rank first among its peers in Shanghai, and it has successfully landed the pure trademark-pledged intellectual property loan with the highest amount of pledge financing and the highest credit amount. Thelicensing revenue right pledge financing model wonthe title of the ten typical cases of Shanghai intellectual property pledge financing in2021 .

Public data shows that as of the end ofMarch2022,the balance of Bank of Shanghai’s RMB science and technology innovation loans has exceeded80billion yuan, serving nearly40 %ofShanghai’s “specialized, special, and new little giants” enterprises; enterprise.

(Editor in charge: Guan Jing)

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