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China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission: Strong rectification of major shareholders of insurance institutions and other related parties to arbitrage insurance funds through related transactions June 2, 2022 09:40 Source: China Securities Journal


2022-06-02 11:35:00

On June 1, the reporter was exclusively informed that the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission recently issued the "Strengthening Funds of Insurance Institutions" to all banking and insurance regulatory bureaus, insurance group (holding) companies, insurance companies, insurance asset management companies, insurance industry associations, and insurance asset management industry associations. Notice on Matters Concerning the Use of Related Party Transactions Supervision Work (hereinafter referred to as the "Notice").

The "Notice" generally requires that the major shareholders or actual controllers, insiders and other related parties of insurance institutions embezzle, embezzle, and obtain insurance funds through related transactions, transfer benefits, transfer property, evade supervision, hide risks, etc., and adhere to zero tolerance. , heavy punishment, strict supervision, resolutely curb the use of funds in illegal affiliated transactions, and promote the high-quality development of the insurance industry.

The "Notice" emphasizes that the supervision of related-party transactions in the use of funds by insurance institutions should focus on monitoring and inspecting the following institutions and behaviors:

One is an insurance institution established by investing in a financial control platform or invisible financial control platform with capital operation as its main business; an insurance institution established by industrial capital investment with high leverage ratio, tight capital flow and aggressive expansion; insurance institutions;

Second, insurance institutions with a high proportion of deposits in high-risk banks, a high concentration of alternative investments, a large amount of related party transactions, a high proportion of related party transactions in the use of funds, or abnormal related party transaction information disclosure;

The third is to pay attention to investment in business fields such as bank deposits, unlisted enterprise equity, private equity investment funds, trust plans, etc., and identify the behaviors of illegally providing financing, pledge guarantees, transferring benefits, and transferring assets to related parties or designated parties of related parties;

Fourth, the risk assets have not been depreciated for a long time, and they have not been disposed of and reported for a long time, and the asset risks have been concealed and risk exposures have been delayed by means of sequels.

(Editor in charge: Ma Xin)

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