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Shanghai insurance industry plans to implement auto insurance policy extension for 30 days


2022-06-02 11:35:43

Every reporter Tu Yinghao

Recently, a reporter from the "Daily Economic News" learned from the Shanghai Insurance Association that all auto insurance companies in Shanghai intend to provide a commercial insurance policy for motor vehicles and commercial insurance policies for new energy vehicles (hereinafter referred to as commercial insurance) that are eligible and valid during the epidemic. policy) for an extended period of 30 days.The factors of non-insurance due to the suspension of the epidemic will be included in the non-compensation factor (NCD) of the customer in the next policy year, and the customer will continue to enjoy the premium discount for the next year.At the same time, customers who have taken out vehicle policy and re-insure after the epidemic can still continue to enjoy the renewal discount.

The Shanghai Insurance Association stated that it is initially expected that the extension of this auto insurance policy will cover the vast majority of non-commercial vehicles and commercial vehicles in Shanghai, covering the benefit of car owners to the greatest extent.

In this regard, industry insiders have expressed that it is a good thing when interviewed.Li Bin, a professional insurance lawyer, told the "Daily Economic News" reporter that the epidemic in Shanghai was about two months. During this period, the risk of vehicles falling under Article 53 of the "Insurance Law" was significantly reduced, but the parking of vehicles still faced other insurance companies. In terms of risks assumed, such as fire, explosion, falling objects, traffic accidents, etc., the Shanghai insurance industry quantifies this reduction by about 50%, which reflects the industry's commitment to social responsibility and respect for the legitimate interests of insurance consumers. It reflects the fairness of the rate and the risk consideration borne by the insurance company.

Will cover the vast majority of vehicles

The "Daily Economic News" reporter learned from the Shanghai Insurance Association that in order to thoroughly implement the "Notice on Financial Support for Freight and Logistics Guaranteeing and Smooth Work" issued by the General Office of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission, and "On Doing a Good Job in Current Auto Insurance" issued by the Property and Casualty Department of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission Relevant work supports the spirit of documents such as the “Notice on Unimpeded Freight Control for Epidemic Prevention and Control”, and actively responded to the call of the Insurance Industry Association of China “Notice on the Realization and Effectiveness of Various Policies for the Property Insurance Industry to Steadily Promote Economic Stabilization”. To perform social responsibilities, combine the actual situation in Shanghai, try our best to give back to the society under commercial principles, and provide policy extension for vehicles that have been suspended due to the epidemic.

The Shanghai Insurance Association stated that it is initially expected that the extension of this auto insurance policy will cover the vast majority of non-commercial vehicles and commercial vehicles in Shanghai, covering the benefit of car owners to the greatest extent.From the perspective of convenience, in order to minimize the difficulty of customer handling, the following extension operation mode will be adopted: for vehicles whose policy nature is non-business, the platform will extract policy data that meets the extension scope for automatic extension; for vehicles whose policy nature is business , each underwriting insurance company should take the initiative to contact the customer to go through the extension procedures.At the same time, in order to reflect the insurance industry's support for Shanghai's epidemic prevention and control work, the non-business vehicles used by police officers, medical staff, and social operation service personnel who participated in the epidemic prevention and control work during the epidemic period can also enjoy policy extension if certain conditions are met.

At present, the Shanghai insurance industry is actively carrying out work related to resumption of work and production and supporting the resumption of work and production in various industries, and is fully promoting the refinement of specific rules related to policy extension, data connection and system transformation and other specific work, and will provide qualified auto insurance customers as soon as possible. Apply for policy extension.

In an interview, Shuai Yong, founder of the Heart of Law, told the reporter of "Daily Economic News" that this is the progress of the insurance industry, and it also specifically reflects respect for the principle of risk matching of auto insurance: when the vehicle is stopped, there is no risk. Premiums should not be paid, people-centred.

According to Li Bin's estimation, the average annual insurance premium will be 800 billion yuan after two years of comprehensive auto insurance reform.The one-month extension in Shanghai is equivalent to an 8% reduction in premiums. According to this ratio, the amount involved in insurance premiums is 64 billion yuan.

Auto insurance extension has precedent

On May 9, Shanghai Haosiri Law Firm published a "Proposal on Extending, Reducing and Exempting Insurance for Motor Vehicle Owners During the Epidemic Period" on the company's Weibo account.According to the proposal, at present, there are more than 5 million motor vehicles in Shanghai. As citizens work from home and isolate themselves at home, most corporate and private vehicles are stagnant at home and cannot be used normally.In Shanghai, incidents such as motor vehicle traffic accidents and accidental damage to motor vehicles have been greatly reduced, and the incidence of various types of motor vehicle insurance claims has also been greatly reduced.

The proposal proposes to learn from the experience of Wuhan in 2020 during the prevention and control of the epidemic, strengthen support for the suspension of motor vehicles in Shanghai due to the suspension of production and home isolation, and that commercial insurance companies can appropriately extend the coverage period of auto insurance policies, or in new cases. Under the premise of not lowering the insurance compensation standard in the insurance year, the insurance premium of the car owner will be appropriately reduced to lighten the financial burden of the car owner.

In February 2020, when the Wuhan epidemic broke out, the Property and Casualty Insurance Department of the China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission issued the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in Auto Insurance Services During the Prevention and Control of the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic". After the 23rd, the protection period of the effective compulsory traffic insurance and commercial vehicle insurance policies of all property insurance institutions in Hubei will be temporarily extended automatically by one month or an appropriate time.When renewing the insurance, the no-claims preferential treatment factor of commercial vehicle insurance will not rise due to the failure to renew the insurance on time due to the impact of the epidemic.

Subsequently, the Hubei Insurance Industry Association issued the "Implementation Rules for Automatic Extension of Vehicle Insurance Periods in Hubei during Epidemic Prevention and Control", and insurance companies in Hubei will appropriately extend the coverage period of all valid auto insurance policies from January 23, 2020.

The "Daily Economic News" reporter also learned that on May 21, 6 safety and liability insurance service agencies in Beijing implemented the "Several Measures on Beijing Safety Production Liability Insurance to Support Insured Enterprises in Coping with the New Coronavirus Infected Pneumonia Epidemic" To meet the relevant requirements, the "Social Announcement of Beijing Security and Liability Insurance on Several Measures to Support Insured Enterprises in Response to the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic" was jointly issued, and the support measures introduced by some insurance companies also involved extending the insurance period.

(Editor in charge: Ma Xin)

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