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Strengthen the implementation of increasing coal production, ensuring supply and stabilizing prices in many places


2022-06-02 11:36:06

According to the official website of the National Development and Reform Commission, since the end of May, many production areas have successively adopted the form of meetings, research, and issuance of documents to deploy coal production to increase production, ensure supply and stabilize prices.

A few days ago, Shanxi Province's video and telephone conference on increasing coal production, ensuring supply and increasing production capacity emphasized that it is necessary to clarify goals and tasks, pay close attention to the implementation of responsibilities, and ensure that the tasks of increasing coal production, ensuring supply and increasing production capacity are completed.Strengthen organizational leadership, set up special work classes, increase overall planning and coordination, and make every effort to promote the implementation of the work.Strengthen the division of responsibilities, refine and decompose target tasks, and implement list-based and project-based management.Strengthen monitoring and dispatching, and solve the problems of blocking and difficult points in all links of coal production, sales, storage and transportation in a timely manner.Adhere to improving quality and efficiency, and accelerate the promotion of high-quality development of the coal industry.Strengthen the implementation of policies and increase the enthusiasm of coal enterprises to increase production and ensure supply.

The Ordos Municipal People's Government recently issued the "Ordos City Coal Production and Supply, Supply, and Stable Price Work Implementation Plan", which clearly states that increasing coal production and stabilizing supply should be the most important task at present.The people's governments of all banners and districts, and the relevant departments of the municipality should go all out to do all the tasks of increasing coal production, ensuring supply and stabilizing prices.It is necessary to take the initiative to go to the front line, solve the outstanding problems in coal production and supply in a timely manner, strictly implement the reporting system for major matters of coal supply guarantee, ensure that various tasks are carried out on schedule, and make every effort to ensure the continuous and stable production and supply of coal.

The Hulunbuir Market Supervision Administration and the Municipal Development and Reform Commission formed a joint research group to conduct research and discussion on coal mining enterprises in Hulunbuir.The research team emphasized that it will make every effort to ensure the supply and price of coal, resolutely curb and investigate and deal with illegal activities such as fabrication, dissemination of price increase information, hoarding and speculation, and price gouging by coal market entities, standardize and maintain the order of the coal market, and ensure energy this winter and next spring. Safe and stable supply.At the same time, coal enterprises are required to implement the requirements of ensuring supply and stabilizing prices, strictly implement medium and long-term coal contracts, strengthen the connection between production, transportation and demand, give priority to ensuring the supply of coal resources for power generation and heating users, guide coal prices to return to a reasonable range, and promote high-quality development of the coal industry in Hulunbuir. .

Guizhou provincial finance has taken four measures simultaneously to ensure the supply of coal and electricity.One is to increase financial support.The second is to improve the incentive and subsidy standards for purchasing high-calorific coal outside the province.The third is to optimize the bonus program.The fourth is to innovate the way of financial support.

(Editor in charge: Zhang Haijiao)

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