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Domestic gold futures fell 0.70% on June 1


2022-06-02 11:36:24

China Economic Net, Beijing,June1.Today, the Shanghai Futures Exchange's intraday gold futures contract fluctuated downward, with active transactions and increased positions.The main domestic gold futures2208contract opened at398.58yuan and closed at396.36yuan as of the day's close, down0.70%or2.80yuan; the settlement price was397.48 yuan; thetradingvolumewas95,514lots;

As of the closeon May31, the most actively tradedAugustgold futures pricein the New York Mercantile Exchange gold futures market fell $8.9 from theprevious trading dayto close at $1,848.4 an ounceon May31, adecrease of0.48%.

(Editor in charge: Sun Chenwei)

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