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Shenzhen Foreign Exchange Bureau pioneered the "bank + foreign comprehensive service enterprise" model in the country, helping over 40,000 merchants to conveniently collect foreign exchange by the end of May


2022-06-07 12:28:55

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In 2021, the total import and export volume of my country's trade in goods will exceed 6 trillion US dollars, becoming a major bright spot in the economic operation.Expanding high-level opening to the outside world and promoting the steady development of foreign trade and foreign investment are an important part of promoting high-quality economic development.

The Shenzhen Branch of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (hereinafter referred to as the Shenzhen Administration of Foreign Exchange) closely follows the innovative development of new trade formats and models, actively responds to market demands, pioneered the "bank + foreign comprehensive service enterprise" model in the country, and expands cross-border e-commerce settlement by banks. Channels to support foreign comprehensive service (comprehensive foreign trade service) enterprises to collect foreign exchange from cross-border e-commerce exports.

It is reported that since the pilot of this business to the end of May 2022, on a local comprehensive foreign trade service platform, the total amount of foreign exchange collection services for foreign comprehensive service enterprises to handle cross-border e-commerce exports has reached 10.01 billion US dollars, and the number of transactions has reached 282,300. , helping more than 40,000 merchants to conveniently collect foreign exchange, and serving more than 100,000 small and medium-sized e-commerce enterprises.

Tens of thousands of SMEs benefit from it

According to the reporter of "Daily Economic News", the innovation of the "bank + foreign comprehensive service enterprise" model is that it provides a safer, more efficient and low-cost foreign exchange fund settlement service for cross-border e-commerce, and solves the high settlement cost of new business formats. The "pain points" such as long payment cycle, help small and micro enterprises to expand the international market, tens of thousands of small and medium-sized enterprises benefit from it, promote the rapid development of Shenzhen's cross-border e-commerce foreign exchange business, and further promote the stability and improvement of foreign trade.

Facilitation is first reflected in the online banking services, which ensures the stability of account entry.The whole process of exporting cross-border e-commerce is operated online, and there is no need to submit any paper materials offline to the bank for export collection.By connecting with the foreign comprehensive service platform system, the bank obtains electronic transaction information, examines the authenticity of the business background, reduces the risk of foreign exchange withdrawal, and ensures the stability of the account.

Second, the efficiency of accounting has been greatly improved.Online declaration through bank-enterprise direct connection reduces operating costs for platform users.The bank handles foreign-related income declarations for platform merchants, which greatly improves the efficiency of platform merchants' business processing.Under normal circumstances, the time from when a customer initiates foreign exchange settlement and withdrawal to when the account arrives in the account has been shortened from at least 2-4 days to less than half an hour.

At the same time, it can meet the reporting needs of e-commerce enterprises for export tax rebates and financing.From the balance of payments declaration, it is convenient for enterprises to provide data information on foreign-related receipts and payments to meet the needs of enterprises for export tax rebates and financing. Traceable business background information and data.

Finally, reduce handling costs.Small and medium-sized e-commerce enterprises can reduce cross-border collection links, reduce cross-border foreign exchange collection and settlement fees, and reduce overall costs through the integrated foreign exchange collection and settlement model of foreign comprehensive service companies.

The Shenzhen Foreign Exchange Bureau stated that it will continue to track the innovative development of new trade formats and new models, actively respond to market demands that are in line with the direction of reform and development, and are genuine and reasonable, provide foreign exchange facilitation policies and measures, and promote the expansion of foreign exchange service agency services for export collection and settlement. Increase efficiency, support qualified banks to provide efficient and low-cost cross-border capital settlement services for market entities related to new trade formats such as cross-border e-commerce and comprehensive foreign trade services, benefit more small and micro enterprises, reduce the comprehensive cost of foreign trade for enterprises, and help Small and micro enterprises "go out" to expand the international market and cultivate new advantages in foreign trade competition.

Improve the efficiency of the collection bank's audit and the speed of the account

The "Daily Economic News" reporter learned that since the operation of the "bank + foreign comprehensive service enterprise" model, it has brought tangible facilitation effects to cross-border e-commerce exports.

For banks, by connecting with the foreign comprehensive service platform system, basic customer information and transaction electronic information are obtained, and anti-money laundering screening, order and withdrawal information are automatically checked, and the traditional mode of reviewing paper materials submitted by enterprises offline is changed.On the one hand, it saves the manpower and time cost of bank operations, and the business authenticity audit is more in place, and the audit efficiency is greatly improved.On the other hand, it can handle business more quickly for high-quality customers, further improve the quality and efficiency of enterprise services, and enable enterprises to effectively enjoy the policy dividends of facilitation.

It is reported that China CITIC Bank, through direct connection with the enterprise system of the foreign comprehensive service platform, obtains the information required for transaction authenticity and anti-money laundering online, and provides one-stop high-quality services of "convenience, efficiency, safety and low price" for export e-commerce customers. , Completely solve the pain points of export e-commerce customers such as "difficulty in foreign exchange collection, slow timeliness, high risks, and high rates", and earnestly implement the core concept of inclusive finance for foreign exchange business.

According to the company's feedback, the pilot policy has further improved the efficiency of business processing, effectively reducing the need for companies to run errands, saving the labor and time cost of enterprises in preparing transaction certification materials, logistics and other authenticity verification materials, saving enterprises offline At the time of communication with the bank, the enterprise can complete the collection and settlement of foreign exchange by issuing settlement instructions online without leaving home.The pilot policy has greatly shortened the collection period, effectively improved the capital turnover efficiency of enterprises, and stimulated the vitality of market entities to a greater extent, which is conducive to supporting the healthy development of enterprises.

Shenzhen Yidatong Enterprise Service Co., Ltd., a comprehensive foreign trade service platform, said that the policy has improved the efficiency of the beneficiary bank's review and the speed of entry, and the time for settlement and withdrawal of foreign exchange has been shortened from the original 2-4 days to less than half an hour.

It is reported that Yidatong is a comprehensive foreign trade service platform that provides services such as customs clearance, foreign exchange settlement and tax rebates for small, medium and micro enterprises in foreign trade.From its inception in 2020 to the end of May 2022, 282,300 withdrawals have been made in the foreign comprehensive service business of One Touch, with a total amount of US$10.01 billion, 40,335 withdrawal customers and 102,696 maintenance customers.The number of households with a total withdrawal amount of more than 1 million US dollars was 2,028, accounting for 5.03%, and 38,307 households with a total withdrawal amount of less than 1 million US dollars, accounting for 94.97%.

(Editor in charge: Ma Xin)

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