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JD Cloud launches 5 solutions for urban industries to help industrial transformation and development with digital intelligence


2022-06-08 16:53:26

Affected by the frequent outbreak of the epidemic, the economic operation of small and medium-sized enterprises faces development difficulties such as production constraints, logistics obstruction, and market share decline.Based on the industrial innovation solutions of the five major cities, JD Cloud provides a good recipe for "blood transfusion and qi replenishment" for the industrial belt, and releases a special edition of's "Benefiting Enterprise Refueling Package" Urban Digital Economy Industrial Park for small and medium-sized enterprises across the country, which is all-round and three-dimensional. Assist relevant government departments to help enterprises "reduce costs, expand markets, and promote transformation", and "cloud" to promote special agricultural products in 8 major cities across the country, and promote the consumption boom.

Under the epidemic, poor logistics restricts the operation and development of enterprises. (Xinyu) Digital Economy Industrial Park helps Jiangxi Mianrou Technology Co., Ltd. to transform logistics and delivery channels, and rely on's strong capacity guarantee capability to greatly improve delivery efficiency.At present, the impact of poor logistics on business operations has been significantly reduced.

"JD (Wenzhou) Digital Economy Industrial Park not only cultivates live e-commerce talents for the company through online training and guidance, but also gives us professional advice on store operations," said Huang Sai, deputy general manager of Yueqing Xuncheng Trading Co., Ltd. , With the help of the industrial park, the company has minimized the cost of employment and created new growth space for store sales.

"Mu Nong Peanut Oil has grown from a niche brand to nearly 30 million transactions in the first year of entering the JD flagship store, which is inseparable from the support and help of the JD Smart City (Shandong Peninsula) Digital Economy Industrial Park." Hengbang E-Commerce Han Ling, the general manager of the company, said that the industrial park is actively helping the company's agricultural products to go up. At present, the sales of the store's live broadcast on has accounted for 20% of the overall sales.

At the same time, maximizing cost reduction and efficiency increase is the eternal theme of the survival and development of small and medium-sized enterprises.At present, 92 enterprises have settled in the Jingdong (Foshan) Digital Economy Industrial Park, with a contracted output value of 3.4 billion yuan, covering production, manufacturing, R&D, sales, platform and related professional service enterprises.Lin's Wood Industry is one of them. Chen Yang, head of operations of Lin's Wood Industry, said that the company can reduce operating costs and achieve steady growth under the influence of the epidemic, thanks to the comprehensive support of the industrial park.

At the live event, JD smart city urban industry solution experts comprehensively introduced the industry and education innovation solutions, rural revitalization innovation solutions, intelligent supply chain solutions, urban industry belt innovation solutions, and exhibition cloud innovation solutions, helping cities achieve " Good governance, prosperous business, and benefit the people".

Du Yufu, head of innovative products for's digital city cluster, said that the industry-education innovation solution covers the 1+2+5+N product matrix of industry-education integration, and builds an educational brain and a public service platform in the region to realize the promotion of production through education and the Industry to promote education; Regarding innovative solutions for rural revitalization, Liu Xianzhi, head of's digital and intelligent rural business, believes that building a whole industry chain for local characteristic industries and using supply chain technology and services can drive the branding and large-scale development of industrial belts.

Hou Chao, head of the exhibition cloud product of's digital city cluster, introduced that the innovative solution of the exhibition cloud combined with 3D virtual booth technology provides a visible and intelligent exhibition experience, and builds an efficient and smooth new channel for communication and cooperation on the cloud.

In addition, JD Smart City is also forward-looking in terms of urban industrial belts. Related solutions can realize precise production and optimize user experience through data analysis, and drive the upgrading of industrial structure; intelligent supply chain innovation solutions build a flexible supply chain collaborative guarantee system to achieve Interconnection and efficient coordination between all links of the industrial chain.

JD Smart City integrates platform service resources such as JD Retail, JD Enterprise Business, and JD Industry, and releases a special edition of the “Benefit Enterprise Fuel Pack” Urban Digital Economy Industrial Park, which will be settled in JD’s digital economy industry from June 1 to December 31, 2022 Enterprises in the park can use office space and meeting rooms for free. At the same time, the park will also provide enterprise-specific support resource packages and professional digital transformation consulting services to help enterprises “reduce costs, expand markets, and promote transformation” in an all-round and three-dimensional manner.

At the same time, in order to help the revitalization of rural agricultural products and related industries, JD Cloud also prepared Yunnan Pu’er tea, Beihai salty duck eggs, Shanxi Luliang sea buckthorn juice, Hebi Qi County seedless dates, Yantai peanut oil, Gansu dried apples for viewers watching the live broadcast. , Xinyu Mianrou Shijia cotton towel, Guangdong quick-cooked black fish fillet and other 8 major urban agricultural specialties.

In the future, JD Cloud will continue to cooperate with government and enterprises to promote industrial development, so that the digital and intelligent supply chain will play a greater role in business, industry and society, and create more real value for thousands of industries and society.

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