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Performance Competition of Rural Commercial Banks in First-tier Cities: Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank’s Net Profit Falls by Nearly 30%, Beijing Rural Commercial Bank’s Revenue Growth Stagnates


2022-06-08 16:57:11

In the four major first-tier cities with developed economies in the country, what is the performance and growth of the four banks, Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, and Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank?Who is better?

In recent years, as the business of large commercial banks has sunk, the competition in the banking industry has intensified. In particular, the rural commercial banks, which are restricted by geographical areas, have been narrowing interest margins and compressing profit margins, making life difficult.

At the same time, compared with large banks, rural commercial banks are also facing serious problems such as lagging digital transformation and shortage of scientific and technological talents.Under the heavy pressure, the development of rural commercial banks has fallen into an unprecedented predicament.

However, compared with thousands of other rural commercial banks across the country, Beijing Rural Commercial Banks, Shanghai Rural Commercial Banks, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Banks, and Shenzhen Rural Commercial Banks located in first-tier cities can be said to have innate geographical advantages.

So, in the four first-tier cities with developed economies in the country, what are the performance and growth of these four rural commercial banks?Who is better?Let us reveal the answer from the annual report.


The total assets of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank jumped to the first

place Recently, the 2021 annual reports of the four rural commercial banks in first-tier cities have been released.By combing through the annual report data, it is found that in terms of asset size, the total assets of the four rural commercial banks have all achieved positive growth compared with the end of the previous year.

Data shows that by the end of 2021, the total assets of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, and Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank totaled 3.98 trillion yuan, an increase of 348.721 billion yuan or 9.6% over the end of the previous year.

Among them, the total assets of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, and Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank all exceeded the trillion-level threshold.Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank has the largest assets, with total assets of 1,161.629 billion yuan, followed by Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, with total assets of 1,158.376 billion yuan.

Beijing Rural Commercial Bank ranked third in total assets at 1,075.202 billion yuan; Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank ranked last with total assets of 586.854 billion yuan.

In fact, as early as the end of 2020, Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank ranked first in total assets, and Beijing Rural Commercial Bank ranked second.At that time, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank ranked third in total assets among the four banks.

However, in 2021, it took Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank a year to leave Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank and Beijing Rural Commercial Bank behind in terms of total assets, and jumped from the third place in total assets to the first-tier urban rural commercial bank. head.

The total asset size of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank can "come from behind", which can be seen more intuitively from the increase in the total asset size of the bank.

The data shows that in 2021, the total assets of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank will increase by 13.01% compared with the end of the previous year, which is a double-digit increase, which is higher than that of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank’s 9.59% and Beijing Rural Commercial Bank’s 4.45%.

This means that compared with Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank and Beijing Rural Commercial Bank, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank's assets will grow faster in 2021.

In addition, although Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank has the smallest total assets, its increase in total assets is the largest among the four banks. Compared with the end of the previous year, its total assets at the end of 2021 will increase by 13.03%.


The revenue growth of Beijing Rural Commercial Banks has almost stagnated

In terms of revenue, the four rural commercial banks' revenue in 2021 will increase on average compared with the previous year, but the difference in growth rate is large.

Data shows that in 2021, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, which has the largest total assets, will not generate the most operating income among the four banks.The bank ranked second with a revenue of 23.481 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of 10.66%, the largest growth rate.

Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank, which ranked second in total assets, generated the most revenue of 24.164 billion yuan, with a year-on-year growth rate of 9.64%, ranking second in growth rate.

In contrast, the revenue growth of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank and Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank was slightly inferior.

Among them, Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank, which has the smallest asset scale, also generated the least revenue, which was 12.781 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth rate of 3.88%; while Beijing Rural Commercial Bank's revenue was 16.586 billion yuan, compared with 16.565 billion yuan in the same period last year. , the year-on-year growth rate of revenue was only 0.13%, and revenue growth was almost stagnant.

It is worth mentioning that as early as the first three quarters of 2021, the revenue growth rates of Beijing Rural Commercial Bank and Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank were -7.12% and -5.85% respectively.

That is to say, at that time, the revenue of the two banks showed a negative growth trend compared with the same period of the previous year.

However, fortunately, the two banks "turned the tide" in the last quarter of 2021, which avoided the embarrassing situation of negative growth in revenue for the whole year of 2021.

03 The

net profit of Guangzhou rural commercial banks plummeted by nearly 30%

In terms of profitability, the net profit of the four rural commercial banks showed a trend of "three increases and one decrease".

Among them, the net profit of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank ranked first among the four rural commercial banks, with a net profit of 10.047 billion yuan, a year-on-year growth rate of 19.34%.The bank is also the only bank with a net profit of over 10 billion among the four banks.

Beijing Rural Commercial Bank’s net profit is second only to Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank. The bank’s net profit increased by 2.2% year-on-year to 7.578 billion yuan; Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank’s net profit ranked third at 6.205 billion yuan, an increase of 29.76% year-on-year, and the growth rate was four largest in the bank.

In contrast, the net profit of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank, which has the largest asset scale, is not optimistic.In 2021, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank realized a net profit of 3.776 billion yuan, a sharp drop of 28.43% year-on-year, or nearly 30%.The bank is the only bank with negative growth in net profit among the four rural commercial banks.

Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank also explained the sudden drop in net profit in its annual report. The main reason is that affected by the external complex environment and the impact of the epidemic, the bank provided a large amount of asset impairment losses to enhance its ability to resist risks.

In fact, as the only rural commercial bank listed in Hong Kong among the four banks, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank has been preparing for the return to A-shares for a long time.However, the sudden "cold" performance also cast a shadow over the bank's subsequent return to A listing.


Rising non-performing loan ratios of Guangzhou and Beijing rural commercial

banks In terms of asset quality, the non-performing loan ratios of the four rural commercial banks showed a trend of "two ups and two downs".

Among them, Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank has the highest NPL ratio, and Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank has the lowest NPL ratio.

Data show that as of the end of 2021, the non-performing loan ratios of Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank and Beijing Rural Commercial Bank both exceeded 1%, 1.83% and 1.17% respectively, an increase of 0.02 percentage points and 0.26 percentage points respectively from the end of the previous year.

The non-performing loan ratio of Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank at the end of 2021 decreased by 0.04 percentage points to 0.95% from the end of the previous year; Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank decreased by 0.29 percentage points to 0.84%.

It can be seen that the Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank with the smallest NPL ratio is also the Rural Commercial Bank with the largest drop in NPL ratio.As early as the end of 2020, the non-performing loan ratio of Shenzhen Rural Commercial Bank ranked second among the four banks.

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