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Apple's new release of iOS 16 was complained: "Android flavor" is getting stronger?


2022-06-09 10:56:42

Our reporter Jia Li

On June 7, Apple held the WWDC22 Global Developers Conference and officially released the new iOS16 system.Due to frequent problems with Apple's previous-generation system, this latest system has attracted much attention before it was officially released.

Apple said that iOS 16 has redesigned the lock screen, making the biggest changes to the lock screen ever.The new system has new fonts, backgrounds, clocks and dates, colors, widgets, and direct control of some applications. The widgets look a lot like Apple Watch. The overall design lacks the refined and concise concepts of various Apple systems before, and the scene applications are more complex.However, the system has not been officially updated on Apple terminals, and is expected to be launched simultaneously with the new generation of iPhone products.

But some fruit fans found that many features of iOS 16 are familiar.Previously, the lock screen of the iPhone has been relatively simple, and the Android phone has already started the personalized customization of the lock screen.This time, Apple's iOS16 update focuses on the personalized customization of the lock screen, so some fruit fans say that its "'Android flavor' is getting stronger and stronger."

According to Major General Ding, the founder of Ding Technology, the new iteration of iOS16 does have many functions that are getting closer and closer to the Android system, such as a new lock screen experience, adding widgets, etc., which are nothing new for Android users.But for iOS users, these iterations will still bring about an upgrade in experience. The new system highlights a personalized experience and continues to emphasize security.

However, Major General Ding believes that whether it is hardware or software, it is difficult to hope that Apple will have major or even disruptive innovations, which is determined by the inherent laws of the industry's mature period.In terms of system, the Android system is relatively more open, and the innovation at the application level is faster and more than iOS.In terms of some functions, the convergence of iOS and Android systems is inevitable, after all, user needs are convergent.The advantages of iOS still lie in better security, fluency and closed-loop ecological experience.

Apple said the update brought by iOS 16 will change the way people experience the iPhone.It is reported that the public beta version of iOS 16 will be launched for iOS users next month.

Sun Yanbiao, chairman of Chaodian Think Tank, told the "Securities Daily" reporter that at present, Apple's new system has not yet achieved revolutionary innovation, but its products and software ecosystems have more and more intersections and will become more and more open."From the perspective of the new features of iOS16, the Apple system focuses more on the layout of future applications. Due to the demand for system openness, Apple and Android systems will have more and more similarities, which will test Apple's openness and innovation capabilities. This also shows that the operating system after technological iteration will be more difficult to achieve differentiation. At the same time, the competitiveness and innovation of the Chinese brand operating system known for its openness are becoming more and more prominent, and it is expected to catch up in the future.”

"The two major systems, Android and iOS, are basically stable in the mobile market, and both have established a complete closed-loop ecosystem, but the development of the two systems has also encountered bottlenecks in ecological construction. In the era of the Internet of Everything, the Hongmeng system will have more Big imagination space." Alibaba Cloud MVP Ma Chao thinks.

In fact, the closed management of the Apple system has been criticized by the industry.Because its system is independent and closed, it has a high voice in the industry chain; at the same time, Apple also charges up to 30% of the channel fee for the software side, which is called the "Apple tax".To this end, Apple has faced pressure from all sides in recent years.In February this year, Apple was fined 5 million euros by the Netherlands Authority for Consumers and Markets (ACM).Regarding the reasons for the penalty, ACM said that Apple allegedly abused its market dominance by forcing Dutch dating software developers to use Apple's built-in payment system in the AppStore.

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