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China Grain Reserves Launched Rotational Acquisition of Central Grain Reserves


2022-06-14 10:52:01

China Grain Reserves Launched Rotational Acquisition of Central Grain Reserves

This newspaper, Beijing, June 13 (Reporter Du Haitao) On the occasion of the summer grain harvest, China Grain Reserves Group recently launched wheat rotation acquisitions in Hubei, Jiangsu, Henan, Shandong, Anhui and other provinces.Up to now, a total of 110,000 tons have been purchased, and the average purchase price is 3,000 yuan / ton to 3,100 yuan / ton. The average purchase price is higher than the minimum purchase price level, which effectively promotes the majority of farmers to increase their income in the year of high yield, and actively uses the reserve rotation to purchase the market. The driving effect of the acquisition.

At the same time, China Grain Reserves Group Co., Ltd. has made various preparations for the purchase of the lowest purchase price, and effectively implemented the national policy of strengthening and benefiting farmers.In the early stage, China Grain Storage Group Co., Ltd. has prepared more than 40 million tons of warehouse capacity for the purchase at the lowest purchase price. The directly affiliated enterprises in each main production area have completed the preparations for warehouses, personnel, equipment and equipment, so as to achieve the goal of "waiting grain for warehouses, grain for people, and money". waiting for food".

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