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Luo Yonghao quit all social platforms? back, but not completely


2022-06-14 10:59:59

Zhongxin Finance, June 14 (Reporter Song Yusheng) "Tomorrow I will officially quit Weibo and all social platforms, and bury myself in starting a business again."

In the middle of the night on the 12th, Luo Yonghao's Weibo attracted the attention of many netizens.On the afternoon of the 13th, Luo Yonghao once again "farewell" through social platforms including Weibo account and WeChat official account, and announced that the project he started again was AR.

However, will Luo Yonghao really "resign"?How long will it be until the finale of "The True Story"?Will his business succeed this time?

Weibo screenshot

back, but not completely

Luo Yonghao wrote such a notice on Weibo on the afternoon of the 13th: "Later today, the Weibo of 'Luo Yonghao' will also be changed to the official Weibo of 'Make Friends Live Room'."

That night, the Weibo account of "Luo Yonghao" became a "Make Friends Live Room".

Weibo screenshot

Also on the evening of the 13th, Luo Yonghao once again appeared in the Douyin Make Friends live broadcast room, and still live broadcast with goods.When a colleague was introducing a certain type of oatmeal, Lao Luo picked up a bowl while eating and asked the netizens in the live broadcast room to confirm again, "I'm going to start a business again" and confessed that he "goes to burn money".

At the same time, Luo Yonghao also opened a new Weibo account.

According to him, a colleague from the AR company, a new entrepreneurial project, opened a new Weibo account for him "@Product Manager Luo Yonghao".

However, Luo Yonghao said that he "really didn't want to communicate anything on social platforms", just out of the consideration of keeping a "place for official rumors to refute and clarify", he planned to change the new account to "Luo Yonghao's rumor-refuting account" and add V certification .

As of 9 p.m. on the 13th, the newly opened Weibo account has been changed to "Luo Yonghao's rumor-refuting account" and has 31,000 followers.

Weibo screenshot

"Hammer Technology CEO"

A noteworthy detail is that Luo Yonghao said goodbye to the bottom of the Weibo picture with "Sent by Hammer Note", and when this Weibo was issued, the Weibo certification was still "Hammer Technology CEO".

Weibo screenshot

Although Luo Yonghao's entrepreneurial road did not start from "Hammer", Hammer Technology does occupy an important position in Luo Yonghao's entrepreneurial process.

In 2012, Luo Yonghao founded Hammer Technology, focusing on making mobile phones.But the good times didn't last long, and Hammer Technology put Lao Luo on a huge debt after a few years.According to media reports, since the operating crisis occurred in the second half of 2018, Hammer Technology has owed banks, partners and suppliers about 600 million yuan in debt at most.

In order to repay the debt, Luo Yonghao has tried many projects, and finally he has embarked on the road of live broadcast and delivery.

Douyin screenshot

How far is the finale of "Real Legend"?

In April 2020, Luo Yonghao started his first live broadcast on Douyin.Although netizens pointed out many problems such as insufficient discounts, misreading the brand name, and forgetting words in the live broadcast, the total amount of payment transactions exceeded 110 million yuan, and the cumulative number of viewers exceeded 48 million.

At the end of 2020, in the third season of the variety show "Talk Show Conference", Luo Yonghao made his talk show debut, and publicly stated that his debt of 600 million that began at the end of 2018 has been repaid 400 million, and the rest is expected to be repaid within a year. .Luo Yonghao also joked to himself: After the debt is completely paid off, he plans to make a documentary about his debt repayment process, and the title of the film is "True Repayment".

Screenshot of the program

However, until Luo Yonghao announced that he would withdraw from all social media, the debt was still not paid off.In this regard, he said, "Whether it is to pay off the remaining debts as soon as possible, or to help the new company that is doomed to lose money in the first few years, I will continue to accept advertising endorsements."

At the same time, according to the agreement with the company that made a friend, Luo Yonghao will also do dozens of live broadcasts with goods in the official live broadcast room of make a friend in the next few years.He also reassured "friends of the creditor company" that "everything is proceeding step by step".

Will this venture be successful?

In fact, Luo Yonghao has made many announcements about starting his own business again.

In January of this year, he revealed on the social platform that "see you on the next-generation platform", and in March, Luo Yonghao directly announced that "what we want to do is AR".

Luo Yonghao has also stated on many occasions that live streaming is not his career pursuit, and he has always wanted to return to the high-tech field to continue his business.

As for why it is AR, Luo Yonghao answered in a dialogue article published on social platforms on the 13th: "Almost from the day it was confirmed that the hammer technology had an accident, I was thinking about what to do when I paid off my debt."In the past few years, Luo Yonghao's judgment is that "the next generation computing platform can only be AR, and it is unlikely to be anything else"."We believe AR is the next-generation computing platform," he said.

Specific to future plans, Luo Yonghao revealed that the hardware team will develop an engineering machine every year. In principle, it will not be sold to the public, but only for internal development and use. It will not be sold until the commercial sales conditions and the overall environment are generally mature.

Are you optimistic about Luo Yonghao's startup?(Finish)

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