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New Oriental's live broadcast of goods "rolls" to a new height, is there any risk that the rate of "English" is too high?


2022-06-14 11:00:46

Zhongxin Finance, June 14th (Reporter Wu Tao) Poems and poems, good singing and dancing skills, casual jokes, bilingual live broadcasts are the norm, and even five foreign languages... Recently, the popularity of Dongfang Selection's live broadcasts has increased, and the anchors have been broadcast throughout the whole process. Bilingual live broadcast, those who can speak English and those who don't know English are silent, it turns out that the live broadcast can still play like this with goods?

The anchor can speak five foreign languages, and the live broadcast brings goods to a new height

Luo Yonghao may have never dreamed that he once relied on the "little blackboard" to defeat Wang Ziru, and now this trick was taken out by Dongfang Selection and defeated him on the live broadcast track, but the "little blackboard" became a "little whiteboard" .

"Fang" teacher Dong Yuhui started a bilingual live broadcast.Screenshot of the live broadcast of Oriental Selection.

Many of Dongfang's live broadcasts feature that they speak English first, then Chinese again, and occasionally take out a "small whiteboard" to write in English.This kind of live broadcast is really new. During the live broadcast, netizens kept urging "how to say it in English" and "don't buy it if you don't speak English".

Continuing the popularity of the past few days, on the morning of June 13th, the number of online viewers has been increasing since the launch of Dongfang Selection. After Dong Yuhui, the ace anchor of Dongfang Selection, came on stage, Dongfang Selection was stable at the first place in Douyin, and the number of online viewers was 10 at the same time. million+.After the end of the early morning of the 12th, the cumulative number of viewers also exceeded 100,000.

Bilingual live broadcasts are not the only magic weapon in the selection of the East. These anchors are good at singing and dancing, and they are proficient in all aspects of Chinese learning English, and they all lead the way.

When the anchor of Dongfang Selection brought an electronic piano to the live broadcast, he played "Canon" at will, and broadcasted it to the happy place, and also sang while playing.

When Dongfang selects anchors to bring goods, they sing while playing.(screenshot)

There are also anchors who can speak five foreign languages, and some anchors come with jokes and "chicken soup" casually.From time to time during the live broadcast, Dong Yuhui said, "Desire and happiness, only one can be left", "pessimism is vision, optimism is wisdom", "there are poems and books in the belly, mountains and rivers in the eyebrows".

"Some netizens said that they wanted me to be her boyfriend, how hard is it to think about it?" "When I took out this square frying pan, there must be netizens who wanted to say that they were in the face of me." The style of self-deprecating while live broadcasting made netizens refreshing, feeling very "wow", and the name of teacher "Fang" also spread.

Unlike many other anchors who shouted "1, 2, 3, link up", most of the anchors selected by Dongfang talked about it, and even revealed the "secrets" of the industry, "Selling rice, farmers earn a dollar or two, express delivery. The little brother earns one or two yuan, and we earn one or two yuan." These "true" words moved consumers.

An inspirational model, netizens said "I cried"

New Oriental’s transformation to live streaming has been a bumpy ride.

As soon as the broadcast started, there was criticism from the media: "As one of the leading companies in the off-campus education and training industry, the transformation of New Oriental has a vane significance. If you just jump from an industry that makes quick money to another industry that makes quick money, I am afraid it will not be the best demonstration. "

Although Yu Minhong himself ended up blessing, but from the start of the broadcast at the end of December 2021 to February this year, the data on the official website of the live broadcast platform shows that its cumulative turnover is only more than 4 million yuan.Now some netizens are ridiculing, "The biggest obstacle to the selection of the East turned out to be Yu Minhong himself."

However, New Oriental did not stop because of this. From the end of 2021 to the current data turning red, New Oriental has gone for half a year.Many netizens were moved by this indomitable spirit. In the comment area of ​​the live broadcast, some netizens continued to say "I cried."

According to third-party statistics, on June 11, the number of viewers of Dongfang Selection reached 12.746 million, and the total amount of commodity transactions on that day was 21.0043 million yuan, ranking sixth on the Douyin platform.

Looking at Yu Minhong's life experience, from falling out of love, to leaving Peking University, and struggling to found New Oriental, the "three partners" went their separate ways, and they took the lead.At this point, Yu Minhong was still unconvinced, and led New Oriental to switch to live streaming.

These experiences are the "tears" of many netizens."I'm inspired to see such a difficult transition from teachers." "It turns out that any place can become a three-foot podium." "Knowledge is power. After watching the teachers' live broadcasts, I know why I screwed up in the factory. ."

Some people believe that New Oriental East has mastered the traffic password, and the popularity of this Oriental selection represents the success of the transformation.There are also analysts who say that the freshness is over. If you don’t believe me, watch Luo Yonghao, his debut is the peak, Luo Yonghao’s debut, making friends. The live broadcast room once exceeded 4 million people at the same time, and now it is common for thousands of people to be online at the same time in the live broadcast room. .

or there are policy risks

Although bilingual live broadcast is novel, some people point out that bilingual live broadcast may have policy risks, and it has evolved into a disguised "education and training".Some netizens did comment, "I want to buy a class." "Can it be broadcast at 7 o'clock in the evening, when the child comes back from school, I will watch it together."

When the selection of Dongfang started, some anchors reminded from time to time, "Take notes first, then buy things." "It used to be that I spent money to learn New Oriental, but now I don't spend a penny, and I also learned English, hee hee hee." How many rates contain "English"?This may be one of the focus of attention in the future.

In addition, New Oriental claims to be transformed to sell agricultural products, and Oriental Selection is introduced as "the only agricultural product live delivery platform of New Oriental Online".But at present, its products are all-encompassing, from agricultural products to daily necessities, from kitchen utensils to electronic products.Douyin's product positioning evaluation for Dongfang's selection is "comprehensive".

In terms of product selection, some netizens have constantly suggested that Dongfang should select cosmetics with high profits. In fact, Dongfang may have already made a lot of money.Zhou Hongyi, chairman of 360, said recently that Yu Minhong was very proud to tell me recently that recommending a book online now can lead to the sale of thousands of copies, which can make a lot of money a year, "I want to live broadcast and bring goods, try After a while, I feel like I can't save face."

The capital market has keenly sensed the potential of Oriental Selection.On the 13th, Hong Kong stock New Oriental Online rose sharply at the opening, and once rose more than 100%.Although the anchor kept saying, "It's none of my business, everyone, don't watch those things, my basic salary is only more than 3,000 a month." But no matter what the anchor says about his feelings, the market has already given the answer.(Finish)


【Editor: Ye Pan】

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