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The 60-year-old man's online dating emptied 660,000 pensions within a year, and his "girlfriend" was actually a couple


2022-06-15 15:21:03

Recently, in Ningbo, Zhejiang, Uncle Wu(pseudonym)in his 60s had a hot chat with a female netizen. Uncle Wu, who was deeply involved in it,sentmoney to the other party many times, but as time passed, the female netizen became cold to him.Just when UncleWuwas in a low mood, several"female netizens"added him.The "poor"experienceof the other partyinspired Uncle Wu's strong desire for protection.Not only did he take out all his savings such as pensions, but heeven secretly sent money to the surrounding relatives and friends .borrowed money.For more than ayear,Uncle Wuspentmore than 660,000 yuan for these"female netizens".After investigation by the police, it was found that 6 young and beautiful"female netizens" wereactually a couple.Recently, the police successfully arrested the criminal suspects Luo and Gao. At present, the suspects Luo and Gao have been taken criminal compulsory measures according to law, and the case is being further processed.On June 12, the incident sparked heated discussions among netizens. Some netizens bluntly said, "I can do anything to cheat money."

According to Ningbo Public Security, since February last year, Uncle Wu (pseudonym) added a WeChat account called "You are Russia's only support in this life" through a social software. He got up in the morning to greet him, and went to sleep at night to say hello. Uncle Wu was very happy. She was quickly captured by her tenderness and transferred money to her many times.

But as time went on, the woman became more and more indifferent to Uncle Wu. Just when Uncle Wu was depressed, there were several "female netizens" on WeChat who took the initiative to add her as friends.

After a few days of interaction, among the several "female netizens", a "female netizen" whose WeChat name is "just be happy", greeted Uncle Wu with inquiries and ambiguous concerns, which once again made the old man deeply involved.

Difficulty in life, loss of job, car accident with relatives, illness of parents, and the "poor" experience of the other party inspired Old Uncle Wu's strong desire for protection.Not only did he take out his pension and other savings, he even secretly borrowed money from relatives and friends around him.In this way, Uncle Wu transferred more than 530,000 yuan to him through various channels.

It was not until May of this year that, under the constant questioning of her daughter, Xiao Wu, did she realize that her father had spent more than 660,000 yuan for these "female netizens". Ms. Wu immediately reported to the Yuyao Langxia Police Station.

After receiving the police, the police immediately launched an investigation and found that hidden behind the six beautiful young "female netizens" were actually a couple.The police quickly captured the suspects Luo and Gao.After the interrogation, the criminal suspect Luo Mou, who was in financial trouble, turned his greedy eyes on single men online because he was addicted to gambling.A year ago, after Luo and Uncle Wu met, they made up various reasons to defraud him of money many times. Later, together with his girlfriend Gao, he pretended to be a number of "female netizens" to chat with Uncle Wu, and the two deceived Wu one after another. The old man has a total of more than 660,000 yuan, and the proceeds of the fraud have been squandered by the two.

At present, the suspects Luo and Gao have been taken criminal compulsory measures in accordance with the law, and the case is being further processed.

On June 12, the incident aroused the attention of netizens on the Internet. Some netizens said, "Don't trust others easily on the Internet, it is easy to be deceived", and some netizens said, "The old man's awareness of prevention is not high, and his family should be more concerned about the elderly." .

Xiaoxiang Morning News reporter Zhang Qin intern Mo Zhiying Comprehensive Ningbo Public Security

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