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Media Notes: Why are they screaming pain when the fist hits the Tangshan woman?


2022-06-15 15:21:53

Elephant News commentator Chen Si

In theearly morning ofJune10 , a barbecue restaurant in Tangshan was full of roaring, roaring and punching and kicking.At a time when the concept of the rule of law has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, this appalling and vicious incident happened before the eyes of the public.

As ofJune13 , after the Tangshan beating case, several relevantnoticeshave been issued locally.At the same time, several people in Tangshan reported real-name criminal gangs.The beating incident has not yet been "concluded", but what it has torn apart is the sense of security of every public.

The fist that hit the Tangshan woman made the whole society feel pain

This "pain" of tearing spreads to everyone.

"People's Micro Review" gave a rather stern comment: "The women who were beaten are still being treated in the hospital. They need justice in the hospital bed, and the whole society needs an explanation."

OnJune10, the day the incident was exposed, the China Women's Daily, which often speaks for women's rights, also published two comments in a row.One is asking: "If it is so rampant, where should the law be placed? With such violence, I am afraid that not only women will feel insecure, but ordinary residents will feel threatened!" We can only and must have zero tolerance. The people's sense of gain, happiness, and security are the foundation and the bottom line. We hope that the law enforcement agencies will continue to use their thunderous momentum to bring these lawless madmen to justice as soon as possible, and punish them severely in accordance with the law. ."

There are many incidents of beating people, why is this matter so much attention by public opinion?

The Elephant News commentator said in the live connection: "The reason why this incident has attracted so much attention is that it has5emotional ignition points:1.The gender difference (men beat women);2.The number of people is not equal. (A group of people beats several people);3.The cause is unbelievable (because the harassment was unsuccessful);4.The brutality of the beating is staggering (from inside the store to outside the store);5.The place of the incident is unbelievableAccidents (things happen in public, in full view).

Commentators believe that the existence of these5controversial points makes everything seem bizarre.What they show is the blatant contempt and provocation of the perpetrators for morality and law, and this kind of "contempt and provocation" is especially puzzling at a time when the rule of law has already been deeply rooted in our country, and creates room for questioning: Are the perpetrators accidental "crimes of passion", or are bullying a habit?Is the beating incident an occasional case, or is it a microcosm of poor local social order?

Behind the incident: is it an occasional case or a microcosm of poor social security in the region

The exposure of the beating incident at the Tangshan BBQ restaurant also opened up the whistleblower's "public opinion hitchhiking" hole.

In just three days, there were8real-name reports on criminal incidents in Tangshan.Judging from the current police report ,2 of the8real-name reports havebeen filed, and6people involved have been arrested.

Multiple real-name reports of gangs and gangs have once again intensified the public and media's distrust of the local security situation.There are even a lot of jokes about the "Tangshan underworld" on the Internet.

Under the turbulent public opinion, Tangshan City showed its determination to "look back" to eliminate gangsterism and evil:On June12,Tangshan launched the city's summer social security "Thunder Storm" special rectification action. The day after, Tangshan City released The special rectification action report method was announced, and the whole society focused on collecting clues about illegal and criminal behaviors in six areas.

This shows Tangshan's determination to eradicate evil and maintain the fairness of the rule of law, but the doubts have not disappeared.

The Beijing News commentary said: "Cases are the best foothold to reflect the fairness and justice of the rule of law. Only by realizing the justice of individual cases in a short period of time will the fear and helplessness of the general public be appeased, and the damaged ones will be slowly regained. A sense of security, reuniting people’s hearts.”

However, the "Onion Quick Review" of the Qilu Evening News believes that, compared with individual cases, it is more important to systematically correct the local social security system, and believes that if this cannot be achieved, then "no matter how the 'thunder storm' comes No matter how violent it is, no matter how severe the investigation of the relevant case, it is just a crisis public relations, a stopgap measure.”

It can be seen from this that the special action is an abnormal and non-institutionalized means of governance. Although the media have affirmed it, they still believe that the more important thing is to “work hard in peacetime, keep reporting, and keep reporting. The channels for feedback are unblocked, so that every complaint must be responded to, and every case must be investigated. Only by forming a rule of law ecosystem in which underworld forces are attacked when they are exposed, can they effectively reduce illegal infringements and prevent the growth of underworld forces.”

If the beating incident at the Tangshan barbecue restaurant is a microcosm of the overall poor local public security situation, then in addition to the accountability of the case itself, in the process of rectifying the public security environment, it is necessary to break through the traditional limitations, the time limit for governance and the upper limit for accountability.The deadline should be the fundamental transformation of local social security, because it touches the bottom line of citizens' life safety.

Angershould have boundaries: Don't let speaking up for the weak turn into cyber violence against the innocent

The occurrence of vicious events can always quickly and violently affect the public's emotions.The appearance of the Tangshan beating incident has allowed us to openly discuss "anger" like never before.

Angeris supposed to be a negative emotion.However, Luo Xiang, a professor at China University of Political Science and Law, expressed his thoughts in the title of the commentary article - "Without anger, there is no justice".He said: "If there is only indifference to evil, but no anger, then justice will lose its emotional basis. Of course, all emotions need to be tempered... Our anger must be restrained by law and normal under the rule of law. freed."

Perhaps it was the scene of passers-by who did not actively rescue Luo Xiang's heart, and he felt puzzled and unhappy about this kind of indifference.But he also doubts whether "anger" can release enough power to drive "righteousness", "At this moment, I am angry in the text, but a voice is asking me: What about your heart? You said There are so many words that moved you, but if you were at the scene of a crime, would you stand up and be as brave as you imagined? Morality is a kind of self-discipline after all, but this self-discipline may be more important than the heteronomy of law ."

Perhaps because the "old difficulty" of "seeing justice and being brave at the cost" has not yet been resolved, this "anger" of "seeing injustice on the road" failed to break out well at the scene.But on the Internet, "anger" is spreading freely.

Near the crime scene, dozens of barbecue restaurants suffered cyber violence.Some netizens who claim to be righteous have found the contact information of the store owner through Meituan, Dianping, and Douyin, and have called or texted to abuse them.The proprietress of the barbecue restaurant involved in Tangshan also had to choked up: she participated in the pulling and asked others to call the police.The beater threatened her and ran away without paying the bill.She was also a victim, but was "violated" by netizens. She said: "I'm going crazy."

Similar to the experience of the boss, there are many versions.There are constantly some innocent clothing brands and hot pot brands that are forced to speak out in the Internet violence.

For this kind of irrational anger, perhaps we have to look at it separately.On the one hand, it shows that our society has never lacked a sense of goodness and justice.But in reality, we are often full of anger but not brave enough to rescue.On the other hand, it shows that anger contains the power to destroy, but it is very easy to lose focus and target in the process of venting anger.

So how to control the boundaries of "anger"?

The public account "Tucao Young Doctor" believes that anger can be divided into noble and ordinary.Noble anger includes: "the anger of witnessing the crime and coming forward to try to stop the crime", "gathering the voice of public opinion to pursue the murderer" and so on."To distinguish the moral passion of anger, it must be centered on the 'best interests of the greatest victims', and if it deviates from this center, it is easy to be self-righteous and go to the opposite side of justice."

The unpleasant "anger that tears apart justice" listed in the "Tucao Young Doctor" article includes: anger that lacks "sympathy and understanding"; violent anger that hurts innocents; performance that is demanding of ordinary people and lacks introspection anger etc."Anger can't be out of focus. It must be angered around letting the facts get to the bottom, allowing the perpetrators to be severely punished, and letting the truth be peeled off."

Perhaps anger and reason are inherently incompatible.But it is undeniable that the fermenting of anger is accompanied by the peeling of the truth in real time.At the same time, how to protect the rights and interests of women?How can self-defense not be "excessive"?Should we look back on "sweeping the black and eliminating evil"?These topics that are not often mentioned in our lives have never been discussed so intensively.

Crowded opinions and uncontrollable anger will eventually "settle down" in the passage of time.Anger is powerful, but not long enough.The questioning is sharp, but there is always a response.Think within the boundaries of anger, ask questions, explore the truth, brainstorm ideas, and ultimately achieve some perceptible outcome.Perhaps at this time, the place where the dust finally settles is what people's livelihood is related to and what people want.

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