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Sanxingdui Archaeology "New"! Amazing interpretation of Chinese civilization "Why China"


2022-06-15 15:22:50

Recently,Sanxingdui has been updated again, andSanxingdui, which continues to "add more",is bringing us more surprises and shocks.

On June 13, anews briefing on the phased results of the archaeological excavations at theSanxingdui site was held at the Sanxingdui Museum in Guanghan, Sichuan.Experts responded on the spot that the burial age of several sacrificial pits had been clarified, and a large number of new cultural relics with unique shapes were announced.

Never-before-seen "artifact"

In 2019, following the excavation of two sacrificial pits in 1986, six new sacrificial pits were discovered in the sacrificial area of ​​the Sanxingdui site, and the official excavation began in October of the following year.As of May 2022, the field excavation of pits 3, 4, 5, and 6 has been completed. Among them, pits 3 and 4 have entered the stage of cultural relics sorting, and pits 5 and 6 have been cut as a whole for laboratory archaeology; pits 7 and 8 are still under construction. Artifact extraction stage.

The important cultural relics announced this time are mainly concentrated in No. 7 and 8 "Sacrificial Pit".

Walking into the corner of Pit 7, a turtle-shaped grid-shaped device is particularly eye-catching among the piles of cultural relics: there is a hinge-like mechanism on one side, and under the bronze grid with four faucet handles, there is a blue Green jade, micro-mark analysis found that it was probably wrapped in silk.

Image source: Sanxingdui Museum

In the archaeological shelter, the No. 8 "Sacrificial Pit", which is separated from the No. 7 "Sacrificial Pit", is characterized by many large bronzes.

Pit No. 8 has newly discovered a large number of bronze wares that have never been seen before - the bronze altar, which consists of three parts from low to high. There are not only people, but also divine beasts on it, depicting a solemn sacrifice scene; the top is a snake body. Bronze figurine with both hands resting on a bronze pot with a square seat, and a cinnabar-painted goblet-shaped statue on his head; bronze pig-nosed dragon-shaped vessel, dragon head, pig nose, eyes on the nose, scales on the head, square teeth ; The bronze statue of the ivory standing man, with an ivory-shaped ornament on the ear hole, provides clues to explain the role of the ear hole on a large number of masks... According to reports, some of these utensils are sacrificial utensils, and some may be decorative components of sacrificial places.

Image source: Sanxingdui Museum

"The newly discovered artifacts from the 'Sacrificial Pit' on No. 7 and No. 8 enrich the categories of bronze artifacts at the Sanxingdui site, presenting a richer variety and cultural connotation, reflecting the diversity and richness of Chinese civilization." Sichuan Provincial Cultural Relics and Archaeology Ran Honglin, director of the Sanxingdui Institute of Archaeology, said.

Where did Sanxingdui come from?

"Sleeping for three thousand years, waking up to shock the world", such an exaggerated portrait shape, such a strange cultural relic, a cultural relic unearthed in the "Sacrificial Pit" No. 3 was directly named "strange" by archaeologists.This makes many people feel puzzled, where did Sanxingdui come from?

Archaeologists have carefully studied the newly unearthed cultural relics in Sanxingdui and determined that the Sanxingdui site has close cultural connections with other areas in China, and Sanxingdui is an important member of Chinese civilization.

Witness the Diversity of Chinese Civilization

Ran Honglin, director of the Sanxingdui Institute of Archaeology, said that the inner world expressed by these cultural relics is still the harmonious concept of "the unity of nature and man, and the coexistence of all things" in Chinese civilization, and it is the proof of the diversity and unity of Chinese civilization.

Sleeping for thousands of years, wake up and startle the world!Sanxingdui "blind boxes" are dismantled more and more, bringing us infinite imagination and shock.Thanks to the blessing of new technologies, the whole people started an "immersive archaeological experience", which is also a vivid "road show" of Chinese civilization going out of history textbooks.The 5,000-year-old Chinese civilization has never lacked wonderful stories, and the Sanxingdui of "Painting" is continuing to bring us surprises.

Behind the "newness" of archaeology and the "circle of fans" of traditional culture is the breadth and depth of Chinese culture and the long history of Chinese civilization.Chinese civilization is like a towering tree, with luxuriant branches and rich fruits.Historical exploration is not only a search for roots, but also a lookout. No matter how far you go, don’t forget why you set out.Once we have found our roots, we will have the ambition, backbone and confidence to be Chinese!

(Comprehensive from CCTV News, Guangming Daily, Xinhuanet, Sanxingdui Museum)

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