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Harbin Commission for Discipline Inspection responded to law enforcement officers wearing 140,000 watches: investigation and handling


2022-06-15 15:26:25

A recent incident in Harbin that was questioned as fishing law enforcement has aroused heated discussions among many netizens.The entire incident has been posted on social platforms, and the competent authorities have also been involved in the investigation.It is reported that Yang, the passenger involved, was a borrower from the Transportation Bureau of Songbei District, Harbin, and he has been expelled, and all two law enforcement officers received serious warnings from the party and were transferred from law enforcement positions at the same time. These people have been punished before.

After this incident, some netizens said that this may be an executive of Uplink Car-hailing Service Co., Ltd., but the staff of the company said that the two were not the same person.The passenger in the incident worked in the Songbei District Collection Office before being borrowed.This matter obviously seems to belong to law enforcement phishing, and they want to make money in this way.If it weren't for the fact that he wouldn't ask people if they had a license, and after the driver said he didn't have a license, he quickly called and asked law enforcement officers to check.

One of the key details in the video caught everyone's attention, that is, what the law enforcement officers wore turned out to be the Rolex Green Water Ghost. You must know that this is a luxury watch with a price of about 140,000 yuan.From the video, we can guess that the passengers involved in the online car-hailing must know the so-called public officials.Behind this sky-high price watch, is it that there has been systematic corruption in the law enforcement department, and an ordinary employee can afford a Rolex and a green water ghost.So how much corruption is hiding behind this?

There are also many netizens who said that his piece of Rolex Green Water Ghost is estimated to have been purchased with the money obtained from the benefits of fishing law enforcement.Although some people speculate that the official may report that the watch is fake, or that the party concerned will respond that it is wearing a fake watch, how can a public official wear a fake watch?

In this case, if the online car-hailing car really has no formalities, they will definitely fine it, and in order to reduce the fine, or not be fined, it is likely to pass some funds to resolve the matter.Therefore, the Harbin Disciplinary Committeemust strictly investigate and dealwith this matter , and the current response is that they are already investigating and dealing with it.

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