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Suspect of kidnapping Sun Zhuo was proposed to be sentenced to 5 years, causing controversy


2022-06-15 15:27:35

In the Tangshan beating case, the behavior of the criminal suspect aroused the anger of the Chinese people.Everyone hopes that they will be sentenced to a heavy sentence, so how much sentence should the crime committed by abductors be sentenced?It has been fourteen years since Sun Haiyang was looking for his children in the prototype of the movie dear.Finally found his son Sun Zhuo after 14 years.Finally, the suspect in the abduction case, Wu Moulong and Wu Mouliang, was arrested.However, the prosecution even gave a sentencing recommendation, suggesting that thesuspect whoabducted Sun Zhuo should be sentenced to five years in prison.Do you think the five-year sentence is too light or too heavy?

Criminals who abduct and sell children are even more despised by people.A child being abducted and sold means a broken family, which brings great harm to parents and has a very bad impact on society. How many people have died on the road to find their children, and they are all looking forward to being able to. Find your child, but the world is so big, where to look?

This sentencing recommendation has caused great controversy after it was published on the Internet.Presumably everyone was very angry that they did not support this letter of understanding. After all, for the criminal suspect, what he took away from the family was fourteen years of happiness.Although Sun Zhuo has been recovered, the pain of the past 14 years is irreparable.

However, the prosecution believed that the police did not inquire about the crime of abduction and trafficking in Wu Moulong, but only confirmed the crime of abduction. Therefore, according to the current law, it can only be sentenced in this way, and can only be sentenced to five years in prison.Sun Haiyang was very angry at such a proposal and did not want to pursue anything because the child has returned and is safe and healthy.However, I did not expect that the sentence sentenced in this recommendation letter turned out to be five years.He hoped that the relevant parties of the state could strengthen the punishment for the crime of abducting and trafficking in women and children from the legislation.

It is precisely because the legal punishment is relatively weak that many people continue to violate the law.To achieve better results, we must be respectful and empathetic. Therefore, for abduction cases, I hope that legislators can strengthen the punishment for the crime of abduction and trafficking of women and children, so that those criminals who destroy the happiness of others can be severely punished.At the same time, Sun Haiyang made a decision to ask Wu Moulong for 5 million yuan in compensation for mental damages in a civil lawsuit.

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