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New Consumption Observation: Watching Digital Technology Change Lives


2022-06-15 15:30:18

"Cloud" roams the museum online

The "Opinions on Further Unleashing Consumption Potential and Promoting Continued Recovery of Consumption" recently issued by the state proposes to promote new types of consumption, accelerate the organic integration of online and offline consumption, expand and upgrade information consumption, and cultivate and expand new consumption formats such as smart products and smart retail and smart tourism. .In the past year, driven by technological empowerment and consumption upgrades, and relying on the deepening application of new technologies such as the Internet, cloud computing, and artificial intelligence, new types of consumption have flourished.

New consumption refers to the use of new technologies to achieve efficient matching of supply and demand, production and sales, and form a series of new formats, new models, new scenarios and new services, so as to effectively meet consumers' demand for better products and services, and promote the high-quality development of consumption. All kinds of consumption.

During the Dragon Boat Festival holiday that just passed, the online VR opened by the Hubei Provincial Museum was very popular, with more than 4,000 people taking online tours.

Yang Lisheng, Director of Hubei Provincial Museum Information Center: The audience can have a more detailed understanding of the planning, main body, and our important exhibits of the entire exhibition hall through online viewing, and can also experience the text introduction and picture introduction of the exhibits at close range. , audio explanations, 3D models, and more.

The new Hubei Provincial Museum opened in December last year. Since the online platform was launched in April this year, more than 11,000 people have taken online tours.

Feng Yilu, a staff member of the Hubei Provincial Museum Information Center: The display of the cultural relic collection through the three-dimensional model increases the distance between the audience and the cultural relic, allowing the audience to achieve "zero contact" with the cultural relic and experience the story of the cultural relic at close range.

Tourists can take online tours through the Hubei Provincial Museum website and WeChat public account. If they wear VR glasses, the effect will be more realistic.

Mr. Li, a citizen of Wuhan: It is equivalent to putting this pavilion in your pocket at any time, and immediately taking out your mobile phone, you can check some information anytime, anywhere.

Blockchainescorts digital technology to change life

In addition to visiting museums and digital collections through virtual technology,blockchaintechnology and digital renminbi are beginning to enter our lives.Let's take a look at the changes these new technologies have brought to our lives.

Since the launch of the digital renminbi pilot in Xiong'an New Area, ICBC and other financial institutions have promoted the use of digital renminbi, and various preferential activities such as full discounts and red envelopes have attracted more and more consumers to use digital renminbi.

Ye Wei, Vice President of Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Xiongan Branch: As a financial institution participating in the pilot program, combined with the construction and development of the new area, we have carried out scene innovations in smart government affairs, living payment, rural revitalization, transportation and other fields, accelerating the digital renminbi Integrating into the lives of the people has enhanced the inclusiveness of the digital renminbi.

Like the digital renminbi,blockchainis also a new type of technology that has emerged in recent years. It has the characteristics of non-forgery, non-tampering, and traceability. It has been included in the "14th Five-Year Plan" by the state.Xiongan New Area established the Xiongan Blockchain Lab for this purpose.

Meng Hongwei, Deputy Director of Xiongan Blockchain Lab: In order to avoid the risk of retention or misappropriation of funds in the process of use, we have developed a government investment project fund management blockchain system online, using the information flow on the blockchain to drive funds flow to achieve accurate, timely and transparent disbursement of funds.

The blockchain underlying system has been launched for more than two years. Up to now, more than 20 billion yuan in government investment funds have been paid, benefiting about 180,000 migrant workers. The application of "blockchain + digital RMB" in Xiong'an New Area has further driven growth in consumption.

Break through the blocking points and continuously tap new consumption potential

At present, many places are constantly exploring new consumption potential through the combination of online and offline.Experts said that with the continuous development of new types of consumption, how to break through the blockages restricting consumption in the next step has become the key.

Under the active cultivation of many places, new consumption scenarios with local characteristics are taking shape.In Beijing, by improving the policy system of online retail, "Internet + circulation", and cross-border e-commerce, the new "Internet +" consumption model continues to grow.In Guangdong, infrastructure construction such as 5G networks, data centers and industrial Internet has become an important starting point for the development of new consumption.Experts believe that the new type of consumption is in line with the rapid upgrading of residents' consumption to development-oriented, enjoyment-oriented and quality-oriented consumption, and has become a new space for consumption growth and a new driving force for economic development.

Experts said that the new type of consumption is not static, but is constantly changing with technological progress and changes in the level of economic and social development.With the continuous development of new types of consumption, how to break through the blockages restricting consumption in the next step has become the key.

Chen Hong, Deputy Director of the Office of China Information Consumption Promotion Alliance: First, we need to establish the qualifications of new consumption enterprises. Second, we need to strengthen and encourage intellectual property protection. Third, we still hope that from the aspect of data sharing across data platforms, information Supports the innovation and operations of consumer businesses.At the same time, we also hope to introduce some whitelist and blacklist systems from the government level to ensure the application and innovation of information consumption.

(CCTV reporter Chen Sicong and Tang Zhijian)

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