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Schools and enterprises work together to help employment, four key points must be grasped


2022-06-15 15:30:34

【Roundtable Dialogue】

Moderator: Guangming Daily reporter Chai Rujin

Guests of this issue

Wu Qingjun, Professor of the School of Labor and Human Resources, Renmin University of China, Director of the Institute of Labor Relations

Yao Kai, Professor of School of Management, Fudan University, Director of Fudan University Global Science and Technology Talent Development Research Center

Xu Song, Director of the Admissions and Employment Office of the University of International Business and Economics

Wu Xingyan, Deputy General Manager of Suzhou Industrial Park Human Resources Development Co., Ltd.

1 Update the concept of career choice

Reporter: Judging from the contradiction between the current college graduates' "hope for employment" and the "worry about recruiting" of someenterprises, what are the factors that affect the employment intention of college students?How to make more college graduates willing to "enter the factory and go to the front line" through school-enterprise cooperation?

Xu Song:According to statistics from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the talent gap in China's manufacturing sector has reached 19 million in 2020, and is expected to exceed 30 million in 2025.This situation calls for college graduates to update their career choices and make new choices.To achieve this, colleges and universities need to make great efforts to cultivate students' ideals, beliefs and value pursuits, and employers also need to provide graduates with a growth platform that meets their own needs.

Contestants compete in Miao embroidery skills in the Guizhou Vocational College Skills Competition.Photo by Cai Xingwen/Guangming Pictures

Yao Kai:At present, young people have two characteristics in choosing careers: one is the pursuit of flexibility and freedom.With the rapid development of information technology and the Internet industry, new business formats have brought diverse employment options.According to the National Bureau of Statistics, by the end of 2021, there will be 750 million employed people in the country, of which more than 200 million are flexibly employed.The new generation of young people advocates freedom, longs for challenges, and pursues the quality of life. Compared with the fixed jobs in time and space on the traditional factory assembly line, flexible employment creates more choices for young people and brings flexible disposable time. took away some of the talent.The second is the pursuit of stability.Under the influence of the new crown pneumonia epidemic, economic and social development is facing greater challenges, and young people's career choices have also been affected. Civil servants and career editors have once again become popular choices.

School-enterprise cooperation can effectively break the information barriers between college students andenterprises, let students have a deeper understanding of the current situation ofenterprisedevelopment, understand the role and potential of positions, eliminate inaccurate cognition of jobs, and help enterprises to cultivate, Select outstanding talents.

Wu Qingjun:The structural contradiction between the difficulty in finding employment for college students and the difficulty in recruiting jobs for manufacturing companies has persisted for many years.From the perspective of willingness, many college students' employment expectations are management or technical positions, while manufacturing enterprises hope to recruit ordinary operators or management talents and technical talents with work experience.There are many factors that affect college students' willingness to employ, and they are also directly related to the industrial structure at a deep level.Under the background that the proportion of the tertiary industry in the national economy continues to increase and the proportion of the manufacturing industry gradually decreases, many college students naturally tend to find employment in industries such as finance, insurance, and the Internet.If manufacturing companies want to attract talents, they must first solve the problem of how to provide a larger space and a higher platform for talent growth and career development.

Wu Xingyan:In recent years, with the continuous improvement of people's living standards, many families have changed the concept of expecting their children to find employment as soon as possible and "support the family", and hope that the next generation will find stable and comfortable jobs.The concept of parents, the tradition of emphasizing literature and ignoring business, as well as some existing comparisons, the mentality of following the trend and other factors superimpose, which affect the college students' job search concept.

Forming a new concept of career choice that meets the needs of the times requires the combined efforts of families, schools, enterprises and society.From the perspective of the family, the perception of "blue-collar" should be changed, so that children realize that they are no longer synonymous with low-income groups, and skilled talents will also be recognized and respected by the society.From the school's point of view, the training plan should be adjusted in time to ensure that talent training meets social expectations.From the perspective of enterprises, it should not only consider how to use talents, but also create conditions for the growth of talents.From a social point of view, it is necessary to provide support for school-enterprise cooperation to help employment.At the same time, create an atmosphere of hard work and advocacy, encourage students to go to the places where the motherland needs them most, and create greater value for the society.

In Hefei, Anhui, graduates learn about recruitment information at the "Recruiting Talents into Colleges and Universities" activity.Photo by Yuan Bing/Guangming Pictures

2 Transformational training mode

Reporter: From the recent continuous reports on employment promotion in Guangming Daily, we found that there are still some problems such as emphasizing theory over practice, single training mode, and lag in professional adjustment in the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities.How to solve such problems?What changes should colleges and universities make in terms of professional structure, curriculum setting, education and teaching, and practice practice to promote the coordination of talent supply and industry demand?

Xu Song:The nature of the discipline itself will affect the unity of theory and practice.For example, the training programs and curriculum requirements of majors such as science, engineering, agriculture and medicine must ensure the number of practical courses. In these majors, dual-qualified teachers are easier to achieve; while literature, history, philosophy, and even economics and management majors have fewer practical courses, and some full-time teachers are full-time teachers. Doing research based on theory only, no experience in the front line of the industry.Therefore, it is necessary to formulate the employment guidance and internship training plan of the discipline according to the characteristics of the discipline.Taking economics and management majors as an example, graduate alumni, off-campus tutors, etc. can be invited to give full play to their professional strength. Some courses can invite industry experts to start classes, allowing students to obtain first-hand industry information in the classroom, and even move the classroom into the enterprise, so as to better realize the employment situation. pre-training.

Wu Xingyan:In recent years, many vocational and technical colleges have taken the lead in the integration of production and education. For example, they study the German "dual system" education system, adopt the training model of mentoring and ordering, and build disciplines that closely connect with the industry chain. professional system.Some enterprises also provide schools with teaching conditions for practical application or directly enter schools to teach, effectively bridging the gap between education and application.

At present, colleges and universities should earnestly establish the awareness of the close connection between disciplines and industries, pay close attention to social development trends, and jointly build an internship liaison platform with enterprises.Suzhou Industrial Park integrates artificial intelligence and other key industries-related colleges and universities into a unified service platform, and through the platform, it has close contact with the school's employment service department to provide students with sufficient internship opportunities and employment positions.

Yao Kai:Colleges and universities should strengthen the forward-looking reform of talent training, adjust the talent training model and teaching model in a timely manner according to industrial upgrading, and improve the level of talent supply through the deep integration of schools and enterprises.Give full play to the role of the school-enterprise joint professional steering committee, and fully refer to the opinions of enterprise experts and industry experts when setting majors, formulating talent training programs, setting curriculum structures, and updating and reforming teaching content.Introduce enterprise teachers into highly practical courses, hire enterprise experts as employment guidance consultants, and set up practical enterprise practice and training courses around the needs of enterprise employment, so as to comprehensively improve the professionalization, quality and integration of production and education in colleges and universities.

Wu Qingjun:The goal of education is to cultivate high-quality talents. In addition to cultivating the skills required by the current market, it is also necessary to improve the basic quality, learning ability and thinking ability of students.The demand for talents in the job market is constantly changing with technological progress and economic development. Only by cultivating high-quality talents can it be possible to meet the ever-changing market demand.Therefore, while doing a good job in employment services, colleges and universities should also solidly build basic courses and basic disciplines.

In Huzhou, Zhejiang, volunteers from the Subdistrict Employment Volunteer Team (left) provide employment counseling for graduates.Xinhua News Agency

3 Remove barriers to cooperation

Reporter: This year, the Ministry of Education launched a special campaign for college secretaries and principals to visit enterprises and promote employment.What barriers still exist between schools and enterprises in cooperation in talent training and student employment?How to improve the level of school-enterprise cooperation, especially to enhance the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate in talent training?

Xu Song:At present, school-enterprise cooperation has taken an important step, but there are still short-term effects, uneven heating and cooling, and lack of grasp.Colleges and universities need to further optimize the talent training structure and reach long-term cooperation agreements with enterprises. On the basis of ensuring the general education of students, the professional part is inclined to enterprises; enterprises should learn more about the characteristics of talent training in colleges and universities. ” and other forms to participate in the cultivation of talents in colleges and universities.The key to school-enterprise cooperation lies in the solid work and continuity after "joining hands", and also pays attention to the "user experience" of students, so as to enhance students' sense of substitution and gain.

Yao Kai:Currently, the assessment methods faced by colleges and universities are quite different from that of enterprises. Enterprises are directly faced with the test and elimination of the market. However, the layout of educational resources and personnel training plans in colleges and universities are not only considered from the perspective of the market.Therefore, a considerable proportion of school-enterprise cooperation still has problems of formalization, superficialization, short-termization and discretization. It is difficult for enterprises to obtain actual benefits from this type of cooperation model, which makes some enterprises reluctant to invest in manpower, time, funds and other costs and the school's lasting Therefore, the phenomenon of "school hot and cold" appears.

It is suggested that colleges and universities actively explore a market-oriented talent training model, explore the common interests of enterprises, and improve the enthusiasm of enterprises to participate.On the one hand, in addition to directly providing talents for enterprises, colleges and universities can also provide continuous educational service support for enterprises, provide key technical talents and outstanding engineers with further study opportunities, and establish a customized, refined and professional full-cycle training model for talents. .On the other hand, by jointly building a comprehensive training base and a diversified platform, the off-campus practical resources are introduced into the school to improve the practical teaching ability of colleges and universities.At the same time, enterprise certifications such as "Huawei Certification" and "Cisco Certification" with benchmarking effect, widely recognized by the market, cross-domain, and multi-technology integration can also be introduced as the basis for student assessment to improve the marketization level of student evaluation.

Wu Xingyan:Policies need to be put into practice and get feedback.Optimizing talent training based on the actual needs of enterprises is a systematic project, involving a series of tasks such as discipline and professional setting, teacher allocation, enrollment and employment.It is suggested that the employment guidance departments of colleges and universities should make more efforts in overall planning, contact and interact with regional industry associations, talent exchange centers, etc., gather resources from all sectors of society, and open up more high-quality employment opportunities for students.

In Hebei Jingxing County Vocational and Technical Education Center, teachers guide students to learn robotics-related knowledge.Xinhua News Agency

4 Improve the guarantee mechanism

Reporter: The General Office of the State Council issued the "Several Opinions on Deepening the Integration of Industry and Education" in 2017, proposing to "improve the demand-oriented talent training structure adjustment mechanism".In the five years since the policy was implemented, some progress has been made in the integration of production and education, but the effect has not yet been fully manifested.To deepen the integration of production and education, how should the government "build a good platform" to promote the formation of a whole-process and all-round mechanism of "two-way force" to provide support for talent training and employment?What kind of help can the community provide?

Wu Qingjun:At present, except for some positions with low technical requirements, which can realize the seamless connection between talent training and employment, most positions require a certain period of talent growth.It is recommended that the government focus on the growth period of talents and ensure that college students have a relaxed employment environment and learning environment during the growth period.For example, the government can actively guide companies to recruit students who are fresh or within 5 years of graduation, and give certain subsidies to such companies, so that companies can truly undertake the task and responsibility of cultivating the talents they need.Another example is that for graduates who are recruited within 5 years, different levels of social security subsidies can be given according to the employment time of the students, which not only reduces the labor cost of enterprises, but also ensures the safety and order of the subsidy funds.

Yao Kai:On the one hand, the government should build a platform for the integration of production and education, build a career service platform for college students with the help of big data, cloud computing and other technologies, and jointly build a college student employment platform with universities and employers to ensure information among talents, universities and enterprises. unblocked.On the other hand, provide effective employment policies and public service guarantees, encourage manufacturing enterprises to attach importance to the training and reserve of front-line technical talents, and reduce the cost of enterprise employment.When the government sets up the stage, it must fully mobilize and stimulate the forces of the whole society.Public opinion should attach importance to labor education in the new era, establish a sense of honor in labor and equal employment, and eliminate the social prejudice of "emphasizing education over skills".

Wu Xingyan:The government can select a group of colleges and universities that are in line with the development of local industries, introduce benchmark enterprises and schools into the platform, and give preferential policy support to the introduced colleges and enterprises; introduce supporting measures for college students' internships and apprenticeships, and strengthen the job search for students. full-process service.For example, Suzhou Industrial Park starts by encouraging students to do internships in the park, providing internship subsidies for students; providing interview transportation subsidies for students who have achieved interview intentions; opening talent settlement trains for graduates who intend to work in the park, providing living subsidies, excellent A package of support policies such as the rental system will reduce students' worries.

At Shanxi Taigang Group, employees display ultra-thin stainless steel strips with a thickness of 0.02 mm.Xinhua News Agency

Xu Song:High-quality school-enterprise cooperation requires a sound system and mechanism. We can learn from the practice of "tripartite agreement" for fresh graduates to form a "Y"-shaped cooperation model between universities, enterprises, governments, and students.Among them, students are the center, universities and enterprises are the top two vertices, and the government is the bottom support point, forming a joint force around students and doing a good job of full-cycle employment guidance.The government can provide relief from the following three aspects:

First, build a bridge of communication to ensure that supply and demand match.Different disciplines and majors in colleges and universities need to connect with enterprises in different industries, and enterprises also need to find suitable "partners" in many colleges and universities of different levels.The government should integrate the needs of multiple parties, establish a cooperative database, classify and summarize, and promote the accurate matching of schools and enterprises.Second, introduce safeguard measures and provide multi-party support.Schools and enterprises have limited capabilities, and government departments are required to issue policies to ensure human, material and financial resources from multiple parties to improve the continuity of cooperation.Finally, divert social resources to achieve full employment.The government should increase social security construction and provide fiscal and taxation support.With the normalization of epidemic prevention and control, the government's introduction of reasonable and timely management policies is the key to promoting school-enterprise cooperation and helping to stabilize employment.

(Project team: Guangming Daily reporter Chai Rujin, Li Xiao Guangming Daily correspondent Guo Xiaolei)

"Guangming Daily" (Version 07, June 10, 2022)

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