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@College candidates next stop, start a new life journey


2022-06-15 15:31:16

Xinhua Omnimedia+丨Next stop, start a new life journey

On the 9th, the national college entrance examination continued in some areas.As an important stop in the life of themajority ofcandidates , all parties work together to ensure the safety, stability and order of the college entrance examination.The next stop, to meet them, will be a new journey of life.

This stop: Perseverance is victory

In the examination room, candidates are working hard to answer; outside the examination room, all parties work hard to prepare the answer sheets for the college entrance examination.Everyone has one wish: Come on, persistence is victory.

The 9th is the last day of the college entrance examination in Fujian.At the entrance of the test center of Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School, many parents looked at the school gate with umbrellas and flowers in their hands, waiting for their children to walk out of the test room; there were many "yellow jackets", "blue and black uniforms" and "iron riders" on the road, some of whom insisted The gate of the school, and some shuttles are in the traffic flow during the peak period to ensure the orderly progress of the college entrance examination...

During the college entrance examination, rainfall continued in many places. The flood control, education and other departments in various places closely tracked the rainfall situation, and made emergency plans for the travel of candidates and the surrounding environment of the test center.

During the college entrance examination, the Shenyang Municipal Transportation Bureau organized a taxi volunteer service team to start the "love test" service. The service guarantee will continue until the end of the college entrance examination on June 10.

Guangzhou suffered heavy rain on the 9th.At the test center of Guangzhou No. 5 Middle School, the teachers sent the test in the rain, carefully counted the number of people, checked the admission ticket, told some details to pay attention to in the test, and made psychological adjustments to individual students.Accompanied by words of encouragement such as "You can do it", "Come on and calm down" and "You are the best", the candidates steadily stepped into the examination room.

"Today is the last day of the college entrance examination, and the three-year company is about to arrive." Cheng Xiaoya, the senior third grader of Guangzhou No. 5 Middle School, said that they will start a new journey in life."Come on, boys, persistence is victory."

Arriving at the station: "Stop" for a better start

After the end of the college entrance examination, what kind of arrangements and expectations do they have for a short "break"?

In many exam rooms, you can always see scenes: walking out of the exam room and hugging your parents warmly, bowing to the teachers who guard outside the exam room, talking happily about summer travel plans, and starting to look forward to college life... just experienced the time when preparing for the exam. Burning the lights at night, nervousness before the exam, gratitude, relaxation and planning have become the key words for candidates after the college entrance examination.

At 12:15 on the 9th, Yuan Taoya, a student of Jinzhou Middle School in Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, completed all the college entrance examination subjects."I want to take a good rest in the summer vacation, and then learn guitar, learn some content such as college English, and better enrich myself."

"I was very excited at the moment of handing in the paper, and it felt a little unreal. After the college entrance examination, I felt relieved." Deng, a candidate from Fuzhou No. 1 Middle School, said that next, he wanted to know more about the university's related majors.

It is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books.Some candidates said that during the summer vacation, they wanted to walk more, see more, feel more, and make a detailed plan for their future life.At the test center of Zhuhai No. 1 Middle School, classmate Wu, who finished the college entrance examination, said that he wanted to go to Xinjiang to see the snow-capped mountains in the summer vacation, so as to increase his knowledge and adjust his mentality, so that he would be in a good state when he started again.

"I prefer the food science and engineering major of China Agricultural University. In the future, I hope that I can continue to work hard to go to university and society, not only to achieve my personal goals, but also to contribute to social development." student Zomelin said.

Next stop: Struggle

What school and major to fill in is an important choice.During the interview with the reporter, some teachers believe that candidates may wish to ask their original intentions and their ideals, and make judgments and choices based on their own interests and the needs of the motherland.

Xing Hanwen, a high school teacher in Benxi City, Liaoning Province, said: "Before the results, candidates can fully understand their favorite schools and majors in terms of personal preferences, employment prospects, faculty strength, and future development. Apply carefully."

The relevant person in charge of the Fujian Provincial Education Examination Institute said that the admissions colleges have announced the admissions regulations, and candidates can learn about the admissions majors of the intended colleges and their interests in advance.At the same time, we must also guard against fraud, and be alert to the traps of fraudsters forging fake score-checking websites and cheating under the guise of special types of enrollment.

Gu Lishi, Deputy Director of the Education Bureau of Jinzhou City, Liaoning Province, said: "In the next step, we will continue to strengthen the guidance for candidates and parents to fill in the voluntary report. Each school should set up and open the consultation telephone for voluntary filling of the report to ensure that there is a capable business during working hours. The teachers provided patient and meticulous answers and guidance.”

At this time, the Shenzhou 14 astronaut crew is on a space expedition; the grain farmers are busy "three summers", and do their best to ensure the "return of the grains"... The dream can be a sea of ​​stars, and every step must be down-to-earth.

Next stop, keep fighting.

(Reporters: Zheng Tianhong, Wang Ying, Deng Qianqian)

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