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More efforts are needed to maintain the positive momentum of the economy


2022-06-16 10:06:23

Today's editorial

says more efforts are needed to keep the economy moving

Newspaper commentator Li Yuchen

Facing the challenges of various unfavorable factors at home and abroad, many positive changes in the macro data in May are quite valuable.This is mainly due to the overall improvement of the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation and the effective implementation of a package of policies and measures to stabilize growth.Continuing to maintain the positive momentum of the economy requires steady progress and persistent efforts.It is necessary not only to stabilize prices and promote consumption, but also to further improve the accuracy of bailouts for small and medium-sized enterprises, and to find ways to promote the development of foreign trade.As long as we adhere to the efficient coordination of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, we can stabilize the macroeconomic market and promote sustained economic recovery.

With the overall improvement of the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation, the effects of various policies and measures to stabilize growth have gradually emerged.The May macroeconomic data released by the National Bureau of Statistics on June 15 shows that production demand has gradually recovered, employment prices have generally been stable, and major indicators have improved marginally. The economy of some regions hit hard by the epidemic has rebounded, and there have been positive changes in economic performance. increased, and the national economy showed a momentum of recovery.(For related reports, see version A3)


This economic recovery report card is not easy to come by.It should be noted that we entered this May under the background that the new downward pressure on the economy has further increased, especially when the domestic spread of the epidemic in April caused a greater impact on the economic operation.From the perspective of the external environment, the world economy is in severe recession, the demand in the international market is shrinking, the international environment is becoming increasingly severe and complex, and the challenges of increasing uncertainty and instability are still ongoing.From the domestic situation, the impact of the epidemic on the industrial chain and supply chain has not been completely eliminated, the order of production and life is still gradually recovering, and the employment pressure will become more prominent as the graduation season approaches.Facing the challenges of various unfavorable factors at home and abroad, many positive changes in the macro data in May are quite valuable.

First of all, this is due to the overall improvement of the domestic epidemic prevention and control situation.In March and April of this year, the Omikron variant of the new coronavirus with strong concealment and rapid spread was imported from abroad, and the clustered epidemics scattered at multiple points had serious impacts on production and life.We adhere to the people first and life first, and adhere to the general policy of scientific precision and "dynamic clearing". Possibility for good momentum.

In order to efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, we have intensified the adjustment of macro policies and made every effort to promote the implementation of a package of policies and measures to stabilize growth. This is undoubtedly another important reason for the increase in positive changes in economic performance in May.The epidemic must be prevented, the economy must be stabilized, and development must be safe. These are the clear requirements of the Party Central Committee.The State Council has researched and issued a package of policy measures to stabilize the economy.From increasing value-added tax credits and rebates, expanding the implementation of deferred payment of social insurance premiums, supporting stable employment, to deferring the repayment of principal and interest on personal housing and consumer loans affected by the epidemic, and encouraging the consumption of commodities such as automobiles; from accelerating major projects Funds are in place to start construction, promote the standardized and healthy development of the platform economy, improve food and energy security, optimize the policy for enterprises to resume work and reach production, ensure smooth transportation and logistics, and increase the guarantee of people's livelihood.The package of policies and measures to stabilize and stabilize the economy cooperated with the "combination punches" played by various localities in accordance with local conditions. Relying on the forward force and moderately increasing the force, the stuck points and blocking points that restricted the economic cycle were gradually opened up, and the economic operation was maintained within a reasonable range. important role.

At the same time, it must be noted that the international environment is still complex and severe, the external uncertainty is still increasing, and the domestic economic recovery is still preliminary.The growth rate of major economic indicators is still at a low level, the foundation for recovery still needs to be consolidated, and more efforts are needed to maintain the positive momentum of the economy.

You have food in your hands, don't panic.Affected by the high international grain prices, the prices of domestic flour, grain products and edible vegetable oil rose by 0.8%, 0.8% and 0.7% respectively in May.The reason why the increase in food prices is significantly lower than the international level is undoubtedly the abundant inventory brought about by the "Qi Lianfeng" of my country's grain production.However, it is still necessary to pay close attention to the changes in the international situation, further reduce the pressure on agricultural production caused by the rising prices of agricultural materials, and ensure the steady growth of grain output throughout the year.Grain prices are stable and prices are stable, and consumption can only be boosted.

If SMEs are good, the economy will be good.Only by further improving the accuracy of bailouts for small and medium-sized enterprises, and combining the bailouts with the cultivation of excellence more effectively, can the comprehensive strength and core competitiveness of small and medium-sized enterprises be effectively enhanced, and the anti-risk capabilities of small and medium-sized enterprises can be improved. Many small, medium and micro enterprises have become the main front for absorbing employment.

Foreign trade is surging, but there are still hidden concerns.The foreign trade data in May was dazzling, far exceeding expectations.However, it must also be realized that the contraction of monetary policies in major developed economies has magnified the uncertainty in the external demand market.To this end, it is necessary to find ways to promote the development of new forms of foreign trade and new models, give full play to the leading role of export channels such as cross-border e-commerce and overseas warehouses, and make good use of the signed free trade agreements to guide enterprises to accurately explore the international market.

In May, my country's economy gradually overcame the adverse impact of the epidemic, with major indicators marginally improving, and the economy showed a positive momentum of recovery.We strive for progress while maintaining stability and make persistent efforts to efficiently coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. We will surely be able to withstand the downward pressure on the economy, focus on stabilizing the macroeconomic market, and promote sustained economic recovery.

【Editor: Wang Yu】

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