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Why adjust the organizational structure and set up a legion? Huawei responds


2022-06-16 10:06:43

Zhongxin Finance, June 15th (Reporter Wu Tao) From June 15th to 16th, Huawei Partner and Developer Conference 2022 will be held online.At the conference held on the 15th, Huawei executives talked about Huawei's organizational structure adjustment, employee assessment, and the establishment of legions.

Bold Improvements in Optimizing Employee Appraisals

In the 2021 Huawei Enterprise Business Partner Satisfaction Survey Report, rules and order, organizational adjustment, and personnel stability are the three issues that partners are most concerned about.

Hu Houkun, the rotating chairman of Huawei.Photo courtesy

To solve these three problems, we must start with the management mechanism and optimize the system.In this regard, Hu Houkun, Huawei's rotating chairman, said: "In the process of cooperation with partners, Huawei's interests are the link between Huawei and partners. Huawei's integrity is the basis for partners' willingness to cooperate with Huawei. Rules are the guarantee for realizing interests and adhering to integrity. ."

Hu Houkun also revealed the changes in employee performance appraisal standards at the conference.He said that there have been Huawei employees who violated the rules under the pressure of assessment and ultimately harmed the interests of their partners.Huawei will make bold improvements in terms of process-based and IT-based system implementation, establishment of an effective supervision mechanism, and optimization of employee assessment and traction.

According to reports, starting from 2022, Huawei will add the option of "partner satisfaction" to the personal performance evaluation indicators of Huawei cadres and employees, to collect the real evaluation of employees' services from customers and partners; at the same time, appropriately reduce the sales indicators in the evaluation weight. proportion.

Hu Houkun also talked about the Huawei Legion.According to reports, since 2021, Huawei has successively established 20 official corps, involving coal mines, highways, ports, photovoltaics, electricity, airports, sports and health and other industries.

Hu Houkun said that Huawei will also deploy its combat capabilities to prefecture-level cities, investing at least 700 full-time personnel in more than 90 prefecture-level cities across the country. The purpose is to support good partners and serve customers well.

Huawei says it does something and doesn't

The current mainstream view is that industrial digitalization, as a result of the deep integration of ICT technology and traditional industries, has become a blue ocean for the development of the digital economy.Huawei believes that making a bigger cake is more important than making a bigger share. Huawei also hopes to work with partners and developers to expand this blue ocean market.

Ding Yun, President of Huawei Enterprise BG, emphasized that Huawei's response: the era of digital transformation is also an era of great opportunities, but Huawei is not an opportunist, and insists on "doing something, and not doing something."

To do something, that is, Huawei will focus on complex hardware platforms and complex software and algorithm platforms. Through hardware openness and software open source, we will create a prosperous ecosystem and create new business value with our partners. This is also Huawei's complete main channel.At the same time, in the face of numerous industries and scenarios for digital transformation, Huawei will also choose some industries with strategic space, and set up legions and partners to create value together.

While doing something, it also has to do something else.Ding Yun emphasized that only by "doing something and not doing something" can we better "do something", and do a good job of "doing something not to do", in order to have a broader stage and space.To this end, Huawei will continue to insist on being integrated and leverage the advantages of partners in trading and serving customers; at the same time, it will strengthen the openness of product capabilities to better be integrated.And even if a small amount of integration is done in some specific industries, it is to be integrated for a long time.

Euler system further realizes interoperability with Hongmeng

Regarding the Euler system that the industry cares about, Deng Taihua, vice president of Huawei and president of the computing product line, said at the conference that nine partners released the Euler operating system commercial release at the same time.

According to reports, as an open source operating system for digital infrastructure, Euler continues to enrich the ecological support for the south and north.Euler South supports a variety of devices and has achieved 100% full coverage of mainstream computing architectures.At the same time, by sharing distributed suites, Euler further realizes interoperability with Hongmeng to jointly serve all digital scenarios.

In addition, since Euler has been open source for two years, the Euler community has gathered more than 340 global enterprises, covering members of the industry chain such as chips, components, and complete machines; it has attracted nearly 10,000 open source contributors to participate in community technology innovation and version development; 120 worldwide The cumulative downloads of users in more than 1,500 cities in many countries exceeded 540,000 times.

Huawei revealed that at present, the total installed capacity of the entire Euler series has exceeded 1.7 million units, and the new market share has reached 19%.(Finish)


【Editor: Cheng Chunyu】

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