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Why foreign companies take root in Shanghai: "talent" and "environment" are the keys


2022-06-16 10:07:16

(Fighting against New Coronary Pneumonia) Why foreign companies take root in Shanghai: "talent" and "environment" are the key

China News Service, Shanghai, June 15 (Reporter Jiang Yu) The Shanghai Municipal Government held the certification ceremony for the 35th batch of regional headquarters and R&D centers of multinational companies on the 15th.After experiencing the impact of a new round of the new crown epidemic, why do foreign-funded enterprises still choose Shanghai?In an interviewwith a reporter fromChina News Agency , the most frequently mentioned keywords by the representatives of foreign companies who were awarded the certificate were "talent" and "environment".

"We set up our regional headquarters in Shanghai, firstly because it is the place where the world's outstanding talents are willing to live and work, and secondly because of Shanghai's innovative model in business, technology, and government management. The business environment is also an important factor," said Chen Jiayuan, CEO of North Asia, Louis Dreyfus (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.

Cui Haiyan, vice president of Dassault Systèmes (Shanghai) Information Technology Co., Ltd., also said that Shanghai is an open city, and there are talents the company needs here.Dassault not only registered its regional headquarters in Shanghai, but also established some important positions such as the president of the Asia-Pacific region in Shanghai."We will continue to invest in China," Cui Haiyan said.


China has become Dyson's largest single market in the world.Huang Shaojie, vice president of Dyson Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. Greater China, said: "Since taking root in Shanghai, we have deeply felt the speed of Shanghai's development and its unique business environment. Shanghai will be the base for Dyson's long-term development in China. We will invest £100 million in China within two years to localize production and expand the scale of our R&D center."

Transport and logistics provider Shanghai Desway International Freight Co Ltd has returned 90% of its cargo volume this month to normal.Cao Binhui, executive vice president of the company, said that the company is very optimistic about the development prospects of the Chinese market and will continue to increase investment in China's logistics facilities. 300 million yuan to build a new logistics base in the Yangtze River Delta region."

Zhu Wenhua, vice president of Shanghai Baozun E-Commerce Co., Ltd., said that although Shanghai has experienced the impact of the epidemic, its status in the international economic environment and its own rapid development fundamentals will not change.Xiao Weirong, President of Greater China of B&R Industrial Automation (China) Co., Ltd., believes that foreign companies have felt greater pressure during the repeated epidemics in Shanghai, which just shows how important Shanghai is as a window to connect the world and as an open city.

Zhu Yi, deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, said: "Shanghai's system and industrial chain foundation are stable, and I believe that foreign-funded enterprises will continue to have confidence in Shanghai and China. Only by doing more solid work can the government repay foreign-funded enterprises. Trust in Shanghai."

On the same day, Shanghai Mayor Gong Zheng issued certificates to the newly recognized regional headquarters of 30 multinational companies and 10 R&D centers.According to data from the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce, as of the end of May, a total of 848 regional headquarters of multinational companies and 512 foreign-funded R&D centers have settled in Shanghai.(Finish)

【Editor: Wang Yu】

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