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China's Banks' Foreign Exchange Settlement and Sales Surplus US$1.5 Billion in May Overall Stable Cross-border Fund Flows


2022-06-16 10:08:14

China NewsService, Beijing, June 15 (Reporter Xia Bin) The State Administration of Foreign Exchange of China (hereinafter referred to as the "Foreign Exchange Administration") released data on the 15th, showing that in May 2022, banks settled 1,374.8 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), Foreign exchange sales were 1,365.1 billion yuan, with a surplus of 9.7 billion yuan (equivalent to 1.5 billion U.S. dollars) in foreign exchange settlement and sales.From January to May 2022, banks have accumulated 7,045 billion yuan in foreign exchange settlement and 6,539.3 billion yuan in foreign exchange sales, with a cumulative surplus of 505.7 billion yuan in foreign exchange settlement and sales.

Wang Chunying, deputy director of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange and spokesperson, told reporters that China's cross-border capital flows are generally stable, and both foreign exchange settlement and sales by banks and foreign-related receipts and payments are in surplus.First, the surplus in foreign exchange settlement and sales by banks continued. The surplus in May was US$1.5 billion. Considering other supply and demand factors such as forward foreign exchange settlement and sales, option transactions, the supply and demand in the domestic foreign exchange market were basically balanced.

Second, foreign-related receipts and payments showed a net inflow as a whole. In May, non-banking sectors such as enterprises and individuals recorded a surplus of US$7.7 billion in foreign-related receipts and payments.

Third, the scale of foreign exchange reserves remained basically stable. As of the end of May, the balance of China's foreign exchange reserves was US$3,127.8 billion, an increase of US$8.1 billion from the end of April.

Wang Chunying pointed out that the net inflow of cross-border capital related to the real economy such as trade in goods and direct investment has maintained a relatively high level, and will continue to play a fundamental role in stabilizing cross-border capital flows.In May, the foreign-related receipts and payments of trade in goods registered a surplus of US$38.3 billion, a year-on-year increase of 97%; the foreign-related receipts and payments of direct investment registered a surplus of US$5.5 billion, basically the same as the same period last year.Affected by comprehensive factors such as the global epidemic, the foreign-related receipts and payments deficit of trade in services was US$2.8 billion, still at a relatively low level.The profit remittance of foreign-invested enterprises increased seasonally, and the scale was basically the same as that of the same period of the previous year.

"At present, unstable and uncertain factors still exist in the external environment, but my country has effectively coordinated epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. , which will help my country's foreign exchange market and balance of payments continue to operate smoothly." Wang Chunying said.(Finish)

【Editor: Wang Yu】

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