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Have you used your coupon? Hangzhou digital consumption coupons drive fast recovery of catering consumption


2022-06-22 18:04:58

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【latest news】

As of 17:00 on June 21, Hangzhou had issued 10 million digital consumer coupons this time, 5.0229 million consumer coupons had been written off, the written-off amount was 50.567 million yuan, the write-off rate reached 50.6%, and the consumption directly driven by consumer coupons reached 50.6%. 863 million yuan.

【Earlier news】

The reporter learned from the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce that, driven by this round of digital consumption coupons, food and beverage consumption in Hangzhou has recovered rapidly.

According to monitoring, this past weekend, more than 2,300 catering companies on the two-dimensional fire platform achieved a turnover of 64.84 million yuan in two days, a year-on-year increase of 9.4%; passenger flow was 743,000, a year-on-year increase of 3.1%.The average daily turnover and passenger flow increased by 34.7% and 32.1% respectively compared with before the issuance of coupons.

As of 17:00 on June 20, the 2 million coupon packages (10 million consumer coupons) of the first phase of Hangzhou's digital consumer coupons had written off 4.2561 million consumer coupons, with a write-off amount of 43.1997 million yuan and a write-off rate of 43.2%. , the consumption directly driven by consumer coupons reached 727 million yuan.

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