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Longhui County Sub-branch of Postal Savings Bank launched the "Hold the Money Bag" campaign to prevent illegal fundraising


2022-06-22 18:06:31

In order to effectively do a good job in the publicity and education work on preventing illegal fundraising, enhance the awareness of the general public to prevent illegal fundraising, and help the masses keep their "money bags".Recently, the Office of the Leading Group for Preventing and Combating Illegal Fund-raising in Longhui County organized all government units and financial institutions in the county to carry out a centralized publicity campaign on the theme of "Keep the money bag and protect a happy family" in the People's Square of Longhui County to prevent illegal fund-raising Activity.

At the event site, the employees of the Longhui County Branch of the Postal Savings Bank introduced the basic characteristics, common methods and some common forms of telecommunication fraud to the masses by distributing leaflets and explaining cases, so as to make the masses aware of the harm of illegal fundraising. enhance risk prevention awareness and identification ability, and consciously stay away from illegal fund-raising."There will be no pie in the sky, and getting rich overnight is a trap", reminds the public to beware of illegal fund-raising scams through intuitive warning slogans, not to participate in illegal fund-raising activities, to establish a healthy concept of financial management and investment, and do not believe in any "zero-risk, High-return" investment, to prevent "tragedy" from happening in itself.

The Longhui County Sub-branch of the Savings Bank takes advantage of its financial expertise to fulfill its publicity responsibilities. It promotes the prevention and crackdown of illegal fund-raising through LED electronic screen scrolling, hanging banners, and distributing promotional leaflets and display boards at major outlets. Text messages, do a good job of risk reminders, and improve the public's awareness of risk prevention against illegal fundraising.

To prevent illegal fundraising, everyone needs to keep the alarm bell ringing. Postal Savings Bank Longhui County Sub-branch will promote the normalization of illegal fundraising publicity work, and actively contribute to the maintenance of financial security and social stability.

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