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Hong Kong Midland Industrial and Commercial Store: The transaction volume of industrial and commercial stores in the second half of the year is expected to rise by 10%


2022-06-23 20:05:27

China News Service, June 23. According to Hong Kong's "Sing Tao Daily" report, on the 22nd, Lu Zhanhao, chief executive of Hong Kong Midland Industrial and Commercial Store, pointed out that the industrial and commercial property is like a "boat in epidemic water". Once the epidemic slows down, the transaction will make a strong leap forward. Therefore, the trading in the second half of the year is still dependent on the changes in the epidemic. However, he believes that the trading volume in the second half of the year will stabilize, and the trading volume is expected to increase by about 10% compared with the first half of the year.

He also pointed out that with the easing of the fifth wave of the epidemic and the gradual relaxation of epidemic prevention measures, coupled with the distribution of electronic consumer coupons, the retail market is expected to continue to recover. Therefore, he is more optimistic about the market in the second half of the year, but considering that the retail market will be affected by the epidemic in the first half of this year. , the rental price of shops in the core area is expected to remain stable and increase by 5% throughout the year.

In terms of commercial buildings, the epidemic situation in Hong Kong can continue to be controlled. It is believed that the overall price of office buildings will gradually recover. It is expected that the overall price and rent of A building will increase within 5% throughout the year, and the changes in price and volume still depend on the development of the epidemic. The increase is expected to reach 5%, and the price increase is expected to reach 5%.

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