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Two departments: companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board should speed up the progress of fundraising and investment projects


2022-06-23 20:05:25

Sino-Singapore Jingwei, June 23. According to the official WeChat news of the National Development and Reform Commission, on the afternoon of June 22, the National Development and Reform Commission and the China Securities Regulatory Commission jointly held a symposium on investment expansion and employment promotion for listed companies on the Science and Technology Innovation Board.

At the meeting, five companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board introduced their work and major problems in expanding investment and promoting employment, and put forward their opinions and suggestions. The responsible comrades of the relevant departments of Suzhou and Chengdu, and the responsible comrades of the Shanghai Stock Exchange exchanged views on the experience and practices of supporting companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board to develop operations, expand investment, and promote employment.

The meeting pointed out that the complexity, severity and uncertainty of my country's economic development environment are currently rising. Actively expanding effective investment is the key to stabilizing the current economic market. Promoting investment in high-tech industries is the focus of promoting effective investment. Listing on the Science and Technology Innovation Board The company is a representative and pioneer in the field of high-tech industries. The meeting emphasized that companies listed on the Science and Technology Innovation Board should further play a leading role in demonstration, accelerate the progress of fundraising and investment projects , practice social responsibility for promoting employment, clarify investment directions, expand investment results, remove investment obstacles, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, and actively stabilize employment. All parties have made active efforts to achieve greater achievements and make greater contributions in stabilizing employment, investment and growth.

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