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The Information and Digitalization Special Committee of China Association of Listed Companies was formally established in Beijing


2022-06-23 20:05:25

China Net Technology, June 23rd. "Digital Innovation, Seeing the Future Together" The inaugural meeting of the Information and Digitalization Professional Committee of the China Association of Listed Companies was held in Beijing yesterday. Yao Qian, Director of the Science and Technology Supervision Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission, Liu Lei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Vice President of the China Association of Listed Companies, Wang Wenjing, Chairman and CEO of UFIDA, and Shen Jiangying, Member of the Standing Committee, Director and Vice President of Xinhuanet Co., Ltd. attended and delivered speeches. , He Longcan, vice president and secretary general of China Association of Listed Companies, presided over the meeting.

The conference released important achievements such as "White Paper on Digital Economy of China's Listed Companies (2022)", "Digital Service Platform for Listed Companies" and "Typical Cases of Digital Transformation of Listed Companies", and issued a proposal for "Digitalization Boosts the High-quality Development of Listed Companies" . The current Information and Digitalization Professional Committee (hereinafter referred to as the "Special Committee") has a total of 48 members. Among them, there is one chairman and 7 vice-chairmen. In the future, the special committee will aim to serve and promote the digital transformation of listed companies and the development of the digital economy, assist the informatization and digital construction of listed companies, and improve the quality of listed companies.

Yao Qian, Director of the Science and Technology Supervision Bureau of the China Securities Regulatory Commission

In his speech, Yao Qian said that the establishment of the Information and Digitalization Professional Committee by the China Association of Listed Companies is another hard move to stimulate the endogenous power of listed companies. The establishment of the special committee conforms to the development trend of the digital economy and meets the urgent needs of the current digital transformation of listed companies. It is hoped that the special committee will give full play to the advantages of listed companies' innovation resources, focus on major issues, gather industrial strength, promote industrial ecological cooperation, gain insight into the trend and direction of economic and social transformation, and build innovation and empowerment for new technologies, new industries, and new models. A platform for the exchange of ideas and a policy dialogue mechanism among industry, academia, research, financing, and regulatory agencies to effectively solve practical problems in the digital transformation of listed companies, and effectively promote the healthy development of listed companies in the fields of informatization, digitization, networking, and intelligence.

Liu Lei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Vice President of China Association of Listed Companies

"The digital economy has become a key force for countries to promote economic recovery, reshape their competitive advantages and improve their governance capabilities. In this context, the establishment of the Information and Digitalization Committee of the China Association of Listed Companies can be said to be at the right time." Liu Lei Said, "In the future, the special committee will aim to serve and promote the digital transformation of listed companies and the development of the digital economy, and carry out issues in the field of the digital economy of listed companies by building an exchange platform between listed companies and the government, high-end think tanks, media, and industries. Research and group standard construction, build a digital service platform for listed companies, develop a home app for listed companies, etc., to help listed companies informatization and digital construction, and improve the quality of listed companies."

UFIDA Chairman and CEO Wang Wenjing

Wang Wenching, Chairman and CEO of UFIDA, delivered a keynote speech titled "Becoming a "Digital Intelligence Enterprise" towards high-quality development. Wang Wenjing believes that listed companies are the locomotive and vanguard of my country's real economy, high-quality development is the core issue of my country's listed companies, and digital intelligence is one of the key paths for high-quality development. Enterprises promote digital intelligence and become "digital and intelligent enterprises". The ultimate goal is to enable enterprises to have higher operating performance, stronger competitive advantages, and more sustainable development. A "digital and intelligent enterprise" should have six characteristics: customer orientation, ecological co-prosperity, employee motivation, real-time perception, data-driven and intelligent operation.

Wang Wenjing said that as a working unit of the special committee, UFIDA will actively promote the corresponding work, carry out research on digital economy-related topics, build a digital service platform for listed companies, and serve the digital innovation and development of listed companies. In the future, UFIDA will work with peers in the industry to give full play to the advantages of digital and intelligent technology, products and services, and jointly serve the digital and intelligent construction and high-quality development of Chinese listed companies through the China-Shanghai Association.

Shen Jiangying, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Director and Vice President of Xinhuanet Co., Ltd.

Shen Jiangying said in his speech that for listed companies, digitalization is not only an answer question, but also a must-answer question. Xinhuanet attaches great importance to new technologies such as 5G Internet of Things, blockchain and the deep integration brought by them, focusing on creating a series of new technologies and products for digital economy such as Traceability China, Smart Party Building, Digital Collections, Xinhua Zhiyun Cultural Tourism Intelligent Communication Platform and platform, and accelerate the construction of a new flagship digital media flagship that is world-class and domestically leading. Xinhuanet and the China Association of Listed Companies are important strategic partners. Focusing on the digital transformation of listed companies, technological innovation and other topics, they have jointly created key columns such as "Interviews with Listed Companies", "Listed Companies in Action", and "Story Behind the Annual Report". , to explore the multiple paths for the transformation and upgrading of listed companies. This year, both parties will continue to give full play to their respective advantages and hold the "2022 Annual Meeting of Listed Companies in China" to empower listed companies and entrepreneurs, and jointly create a good environment to support the high-quality development of listed companies.

The special committee issues letters of appointment to the committee representatives

At the meeting, the leaders of China Securities Regulatory Commission Science and Technology Supervision Bureau, China Association of Listed Companies, and Xinhuanet jointly announced the establishment of the Information and Digitalization Professional Committee of China Association of Listed Companies, and issued letters of appointment to the committee representatives.

Guo Jintong, Vice President of UF Network

Guo Jintong, chairman of the special committee and vice president of UFIDA, introduced the work progress of the special committee in detail. He said that the special committee will integrate and mobilize the resources of listed companies, information technology research institutions, scientific research institutes and other units in the digital field to carry out services in the digital field; assist the association to complete the work assigned by the CSRC in terms of network security and informatization, technology supervision, etc. Assist the association in building group standards and digital service platforms; carry out research on the achievements of digital transformation and innovation in the listed company group, select excellent project results to promote in the listed company group, and create opportunities for listed companies to demonstrate their technological innovation capabilities.

In the speech of the leader of the special committee, Luo Qun, chairman and general manager of Zhongguancun Technology Software, Jiang Lai, general manager of Beixinyuan Internet Center, and Wei Zien, deputy general manager of the Information Technology Department of China Galaxy Securities, respectively built around the digital service platform, and the digital transformation is in progress. The specific work progress was introduced in the aspects of information security work and the establishment of a research think tank on the digitalization of listed companies.

Subsequently, Guo Jintong, on behalf of the special committee, issued a proposal on "Digitalization Boosts the High-Quality Development of Listed Companies", calling on the majority of listed companies to seize the strategic opportunity of digital-intelligence transformation, and promote digital-intelligence transformation more firmly, comprehensively and deeply. Create a new situation of digital and intelligent transformation.

Roundtable Forum

The guests discussed on "the road of digital and intelligent transformation and development of listed companies"

In the roundtable forum session, Wen Xuechen, Chief of the Computer Industry of Zhongtai Securities Zhongtai Research Institute, Zhang Yang, Vice President of Yonyou Network, Chen Wei, Senior Vice President of Zhongke Xingtu, Liu Guquan, Vice President of Zhiyuan Internet and Dean of the Collaborative Research Institute, focused on " The topic of "The Road to Digital-Intelligence Transformation and Development of Listed Companies" was discussed, and suggestions were made on the specific path of digital transformation of listed companies and how to build a digital economic exchange, cooperation, and promotion platform.

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