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Tai'an City Mining Equipment and Construction Machinery Industry Chain Special Class Held Intellectual Property Empowerment Industry Chain Development Action and Training Conference


2022-06-24 22:59:17

Qilu Net·Lightning News, June 24th, in order to thoroughly implement the requirements for the construction and deployment of a new industrialized city, and improve the ability of intellectual property creation, application, protection and management, on the morning of June 21st, Tai'an City Mining Equipment and Construction Machinery Industry Chain Specialist. The class held an action and training meeting on the development of the intellectual property empowerment industry chain at the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau.

Liu Fengmei, deputy mayor of Tai'an Municipal Government and head of the city's mining equipment and construction machinery industry chain, and Yuan Jiudang, vice chairman of the CPPCC Committee and commissioner of the city's mining equipment and construction machinery industry chain, attended the meeting; Tai'an Local Financial Supervision Bureau, People's Bank of Tai'an City Center Main responsible comrades of sub-branches and 32 banking financial institutions, comrades of mining equipment and construction machinery industry chain special classes in cities, counties, urban areas (functional areas), leaders of Municipal Intellectual Property Development Center and Municipal Department of Market Supervision Bureau, relevant enterprises The person in charge attends the meeting. The meeting was presided over by Zhang Jingzhou, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau, and the leader of the Municipal Mining Equipment and Construction Machinery Industry Chain Special Team.

In the first stage of the meeting, the main responsible comrades of the Tai'an Intellectual Property Development Center introduced the intellectual property work practices, achievements and the next work priorities. A typical speech was given. The main responsible comrades of the Tai'an Central Branch of the People's Bank of China gave an introduction to the construction of a new industrialized and strong city with finance. Liu Fengmei, the deputy mayor of Tai'an Municipal Government and the chain leader of the city's mining equipment and construction machinery industry chain, made an important speech. Agricultural Bank of China 12 other banks signed a strategic cooperation agreement with the Municipal Market Supervision Bureau. In the second stage, the Municipal Intellectual Property Development Center conducted training and interpretation on relevant policies such as intellectual property pledge financing, protection fund declaration, high-value patents, and patent navigation.

The meeting pointed out that science and technology are the primary productive forces, and intellectual property plays an important role in the development of industrial economy. It is necessary to organically combine the work of the industrial chain with the development of intellectual property services, increase assistance in trademark and patent registration, intellectual property protection, intellectual property use, etc., further optimize the innovation environment, stimulate innovation vitality, and strive to achieve the success of Tai'an's intellectual property undertakings. greater achievement. First, continue to optimize the intellectual property service environment. Taking speed-up and efficiency-enhancing as the starting point, relying on platform mechanisms such as the rapid pre-examination direct-line mechanism, the patent navigation service base, the Tai'an acceptance window for trademark business of the State Intellectual Property Office, the patent examination training base, etc., to continuously simplify the intellectual property application process, shorten the processing cycle, and improve the handling efficacy. Continue to deepen support activities such as "Intellectual Property Empowerment Action" and "Through Train" for intellectual property services, carry out intellectual property training, policy publicity and information services, and create a good environment. Make full use of the innovation resources of the city's universities, enterprises and research institutes, vigorously cultivate high-value patents, make the dominant entities bigger and stronger, and take advantage of the demonstration and leadership of the dominant entities to drive the improvement of the city's intellectual property creation capabilities. Second, we must continue to strengthen intellectual property protection measures. Improve the diversified resolution mechanism for intellectual property disputes, rely on the people's mediation committee for intellectual property disputes, the arbitration mediation center and the rights protection assistance center, strengthen mediation and arbitration, improve the efficiency of rights protection, and solve the practical difficulties brought by the long time and high cost of rights protection to the development of enterprises. Strengthen intellectual property law enforcement, deepen special law enforcement actions, and severely crack down on infringements of trademark rights and patent rights, so as to achieve effective protection of intellectual property rights. Strengthen the connection of criminal prosecutions, strengthen cooperation with the public security, customs, and courts, form a multi-party linkage, jointly promote, strengthen the effect of rights protection, and build a pattern of large-scale intellectual property protection. Third, we must continue to improve the level of intellectual property utilization. Adhere to the transformation and application of intellectual property rights, implement measures such as the review of patent awards, patent navigation, standardized management of intellectual property rights, and patent insurance in Tai'an City, build a patent transformation platform, and continuously expand the implementation path of transformation to further enhance the benefits of intellectual property rights. Continue to promote the special action of "entering the park to benefit enterprises" of intellectual property pledge financing, conduct in-depth analysis and investigation of the current situation of pledge financing in the park, and understand the financing needs of enterprises. Accurately serve enterprises, and take strong measures to promote the intellectual property work of Tai'an City to a new level.

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