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Yinyi shares: has entered the implementation stage of the "Reorganization Plan" to complete the plan to convert capital reserves to share capital


2022-06-27 12:07:23

On June 26, Yinyi Co., Ltd. issued an announcement on the implementation progress of the company's reorganization plan.

According to the announcement, regarding the implementation of the capital reserve conversion plan, as of the date of this announcement, the company has completed the conversion of 5.969 billion shares for the implementation of the reorganization plan, and the company's total share capital has increased from 4.027 billion shares to 9.997 billion shares.The above-mentioned 5.969 billion shares are all registered in the special account for property disposal of the bankrupt enterprise of Yinyi Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the "administrator's special account") opened by the company manager.

According to the arrangement of the "Reorganization Plan", in the investor's equity adjustment plan, historical issues such as performance compensation, cash dividend return and capital occupation of the original controlling shareholder and its controlling shareholders will be resolved.At present, the company has implemented and completed the plan of converting capital reserve into share capital in the reorganization plan, and all historical problems such as performance compensation, cash dividend return and capital occupation of the original controlling shareholder and its controlling shareholders have been resolved.

Regarding the progress of the repayment of claims, for the repayment of claims secured by property, as of the date of this announcement, the company has used the investment funds paid by the reorganization investors to complete the repayment and payment of the first, second and third installments of claims secured by property The total amount of interest that should be paid in accordance with the "Reorganization Plan" is 176 million yuan.

Regarding the progress of cash settlement of ordinary claims, as of the date of this announcement, a total of 131 creditors have been confirmed by the Ningbo Intermediate Court to be involved in cash settlement of ordinary claims, and a total of 128 creditors have completed cash settlement with the investment funds paid by the restructuring investors. co-pay

The ordinary creditor's rights repayment amounted to RMB 122 million; the remaining 3 creditors have not yet made cash repayment of the above debts due to failure to provide bank account information and other reasons. matter.

Regarding the progress of repayment of ordinary debts with shares, as of the date of this announcement, 519 million shares of Yinyi Shares held in the special account of the administrator have been transferred to the securities account designated by the creditors of Yinyi Shares, and the corresponding ordinary debt settlement amount is 2.056 billion yuan, and the listing and trading date of this part of the shares is February 25, 2022.The remaining 1.030 billion converted shares will continue to be deposited in the special account of the administrator, and the corresponding creditors can receive them according to the provisions of the "Reorganization Plan".

Regarding the progress of the implementation of the "Reorganization Investment Agreement", according to the "Reorganization Plan" and the "Reorganization Investment Agreement", 2.988 billion shares of the shares formed by the capital reserve transfer will be invested by the reorganization investor Zi Hejinxin Granted.As of the date of this announcement, 2.988 billion shares of Yinyi shares held in the special account of the administrator have been transferred to the securities account of Zihejinxin.

At present, Zihejinxin holds 2.988 billion shares of the company, accounting for 29.89% of the company's total share capital. It is the controlling shareholder of the company, and the actual controller is Mr. Ye Ji.

According to previous reports, on June 23, 2020, the Ningbo Intermediate Court ruled to accept the reorganization application for Yinyi Shares, and the company officially entered the reorganization process.On October 27, 2020, under the supervision of the Ningbo Intermediate People's Court, the company's reorganization investor review committee determined that Zihejinxin Equity Investment Partnership (Limited Partnership) (hereinafter referred to as "Zihejinxin") was selected according to the scoring results. Company restructuring investors.On December 11, 2020, the company's second creditors meeting and investor group meeting were held, and the "Reorganization Plan of Yinyi Co., Ltd. (Draft)" and "Reorganization Plan of Yinyi Co., Ltd. (Draft)" were voted and passed. Investor's Equity Adjustment Plan".On the same day, the company manager signed the "Restructuring Investment Agreement" with Zi Hejinxin.On December 15, 2020, the company manager received the "Civil Ruling" (2020) Zhejiang 02 Po No. 4 from Ningbo Intermediate Court, ruling to approve the "Reorganization Plan" of Yinyi Shares and terminate Yinyi Shares Reprogram.At present, the company has entered the implementation stage of the "Reorganization Plan", and various implementation work is in progress.

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