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Qu Dingyuan, former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Zhongnan Engineering Consulting and Design Group, was "double-opened"


2022-06-28 16:03:15

Sino-Singapore Jingwei, June 28th, according to the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision: Recently, with the approval of the Hubei Provincial Party Committee, the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision conducted a case review on the serious violation of discipline and law by Qu Dingyuan, the former deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Zhongnan Engineering Consulting and Design Group Co., Ltd. investigation.

After investigation, Qu Dingyuan lost his ideals and beliefs, betrayed his original mission, had a weak awareness of political rules, and cultivated personal power; violated the spirit of the eight central regulations, illegally accepted gifts, consumption cards, and accepted travel arrangements that might affect the fair execution of official duties; violated organizational principles, Concealing real estate; violating integrity and discipline, obtaining large returns through private lending; engaging in large-scale power and money transactions, taking advantage of position to seek benefits for others in financing loans, project contracting, job adjustment, etc., and illegally accepting huge amounts of property; abuse of power and reckless behavior , resulting in huge losses of state-owned assets.

Qu Dingyuan seriously violated the party's political discipline, the spirit of the eight central regulations, organizational discipline, and integrity discipline. The nature is serious, the impact is bad, and it should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the "Regulations of the Communist Party of China on Disciplinary Actions", "Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China", "Public Officials Government Punishment Law of the People's Republic of China" and other relevant regulations, after the meeting of the Standing Committee of the Hubei Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and reporting to the Hubei Provincial Party Committee for approval, it was decided to give Qu Dingyuan the punishment of expulsion from the party. ; The Hubei Provincial Supervisory Committee shall give him the sanction of dismissal from public office; his illegal income shall be confiscated; his suspected crime shall be transferred to the procuratorate for examination and prosecution according to law, and the property involved shall be transferred together.

Qu Dingyuan Resume

Qu Dingyuan, male, Han nationality, born in July 1968, member of the Communist Party of China, with a doctoral degree.Former Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the former Hubei Hongtai Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd. (former Vice Chairman of Hubei Energy Group Co., Ltd.), Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice Chairman of the Provincial Hongtai Capital Investment and Operation Group Co., Ltd., Zhongnan Engineering Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Consulting Design Group Co., Ltd.

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