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The success of the "one country, two systems" practice in Hong Kong is universally recognized


2022-07-04 12:56:13

The success of the"one country, two systems" practice inHong Kong is universally recognized

——President Xi Jinping's important speech aroused enthusiastic international response

The celebration ofthe 25th anniversary ofHong KongXi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, State President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, attended and delivered an important speech.In an interview with a reporter from Xinhua News Agency, people from many countries said that President Xi Jinping's speech expounded the great significance of "one country, two systems" and expressed his firm determination to adhere to such a good system for a long time, drawing a blueprint for a better future for Hong Kong, boosting confidence and injecting impetus. .

Returning to the motherland opens a new era in Hong Kong's history

President Xi Jinping pointed out that after returning to the motherland, Hong Kong has dared to be the first in the world, dare to be a trend-setter, and play an important role as a bridge and window connecting the mainland of the motherland with other parts of the world in the magnificent torrent of national reform and opening up, and create a long-term stable and rapid economic development for the motherland. Miracles have made an irreplaceable contribution.

"China and Asian countries have huge growth potential. 30% of the world's economic growth comes from China. As a part of China, Hong Kong plays a very important role, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area will be a leading area for China's development." 48 Groups in the UK Club chairman Stephen Perry said this based on his long-term observations.

Pei Renlong, a senior media person from Brunei, felt the same way about President Xi Jinping's important speech: "In recent years, the Hong Kong people I have contacted have become more and more recognized with the mainland's politics, economy and society, and many Hong Kong people are getting better and better in Mandarin. Today Hong Kong businessmen are more willing to go to the mainland to find business opportunities, and young students also go to mainland universities for further study, and the exchanges between the mainland and Hong Kong are getting deeper and deeper.”

Taking Hong Kong's active participation in the joint construction of the "Belt and Road" and the vigorous development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area as an example, he said that Hong Kong's political, economic, social and business environment has been further developed and improved due to its backing of the mainland's large market and connections to international capital. the foundation for the next success.

President Xi Jinping emphasized that neither the international financial crisis, the new crown pneumonia epidemic, nor some violent social unrest have stopped Hong Kong's progress.Selcuk Cholakoglu, director of Turkey's Asia-Pacific Research Center, agrees.

He believes that despite various challenges, Hong Kong's urban social vitality and average life expectancy of residents are now among the top in the world, and Hong Kong's status as an international financial, shipping and trade center has been further consolidated and improved. These are the success stories of Hong Kong's development.

Kenyan international studies scholar Cavens Adhill said that political stability is the foundation of development and progress.Through a series of measures such as enacting the National Security Law for Hong Kong and amending and improving Hong Kong's electoral system, the stability of Hong Kong's development has been greatly improved."These are all conducive to Hong Kong's further integration into the overall national development, giving it better opportunities for sustainable development."

Dave Bromich, a well-known New Zealand commentator on China, said that he is very happy to see that Hong Kong is now back to peace, stability and development.

"One country, two systems" has no reason to change and must be adhered to for a long time

"There is no reason to change such a good system, and it must be adhered to for a long time!" President Xi Jinping's important speech clarified the successful practice of "one country, two systems", which aroused widespread resonance among people from many countries.

On July 1, 1997, Eduardo Roldan, the Mexican Consul General in Hong Kong at the time, witnessed the five-star red flag being slowly raised in the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center. The "Historical Moment of Joy and Proud Hong Kong People" made him unforgettable.

Roldan believes that "one country, two systems" is the reason for Hong Kong's prosperity and stability over the past 25 years."In the past 25 years, 'Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong' and a high degree of autonomy have been practiced, and the 'Pearl of the Orient' has continued to consolidate and continue to prosper." He said, "Those who were not optimistic about Hong Kong's prospects at that time left and returned because they saw that the return Post-China Hong Kong is still prosperous.”

From the story of 25 years of development under the Lion Rock, Luciana Santos, the deputy governor of the Brazilian state of Pernambuco, read that the central government of China unswervingly implements the "one country, two systems" policy to fully integrate Hong Kong into the national governance system, "four The achievement of a half century reflects the success of the Chinese governance model."

From the implementation and improvement of the legal system, Luis Del Gallo, director of academic research at the Center for Advanced Studies on the Development of Emerging Economies in Venezuela, sees new developments in the governance of Hong Kong: "With the formulation and implementation of the National Security Law for Hong Kong and the revision and improvement of the electoral system, 'patriotic' "The rule of Hong Kong" can be effectively implemented."

President Xi Jinping emphasized that Hong Kong has a distinct advantage of being backed by the motherland and connected to the world. Hong Kong residents cherish it, and the central government also cherishes it."'One country, two systems' will continue to keep Hong Kong as a global financial, shipping, and trade center, which is beneficial to everyone," said Volker Chapke, honorary chairman of the Berlin-Prussian Society.

"The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, the Hong Kong section of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong high-speed railway, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area... The central government has built a lot of infrastructure for Hong Kong, and Hong Kong people have benefited from it." Masood Khalid, former Pakistani ambassador to China, listed promoting Hong Kong's development series of projects.

Khalid said that Hong Kong is fully integrating with mainland China and the international market, bursting with great vitality, which is proof of the success of "one country, two systems".Hong Kong is part of China. Only by adhering to the principle of "one country, two systems", maintaining the overall situation of stable and harmonious development, and integrating into China's development process, can Hong Kong maintain its vitality forever.

Robert Lawrence Kuhn, chairman of the Kuhn Foundation of the United States, pointed out that "one country, two systems" is an unprecedented initiative."President Xi Jinping has declared the Chinese central government's firm determination to uphold 'one country, two systems' and Hong Kong has a bright future."

Open up a new situation and achieve a new leap

"In the past 25 years, I have witnessed the development of Hong Kong." Since the 1990s, Dewan Safford Alam Masood, president of the Hong Kong-Bangladesh Metropolitan Chamber of Commerce, started his business in Hong Kong, and his career development is closely linked to Hong Kong.

In Masood's view, President Xi Jinping's important speech has boosted the development confidence of all walks of life, and Hong Kong has opened a new chapter of prosperity and development."With the support of China's central government, Hong Kong will usher in more opportunities to become a more competitive and attractive economic center."

Andrei Karneyev, Dean of the Oriental Institute of the Russian Higher University of Economics, is also optimistic about the future development of Hong Kong.He believes that Hong Kong will retain its own characteristics and find "new roles", such as becoming an important art and design center in the Asia-Pacific region.

"Philippine Star" columnist Li Tianrong noted that in his speech, President Xi Jinping specifically mentioned the need to effectively solve the problems of people's livelihood.He said that the Chinese central government's determination to solve the problems of people's livelihood in Hong Kong is to take long-term consideration for Hong Kong and create conditions for the healthy development of Hong Kong in the future.

Yaroslav Lisovolik, project director of the International Debate Club of the Russian think tank "Valdai", said that Hong Kong has always been one of the most attractive places to work and live in the world.Hong Kong can provide high-quality employment and life, and young talents can get more development opportunities here.

President Xi Jinping's words impressed Cai Weicai, senior vice president of Thailand's Kasikorn Bank, who worked and lived in Hong Kong for 8 years.He told reporters: "Social stability is the foundation of Hong Kong's prosperity and development. Hong Kong people are good at innovation, dare to think and act, and are optimistic. Hong Kong will definitely have a brilliant future."

"Youth thrive, Hong Kong thrives; youth develops, Hong Kong develops; youth has a future, Hong Kong has a future." Quoting President Xi Jinping's message to Hong Kong youth, Jin Zhenho, a professor at the Department of Political and Diplomacy at Dankook University in South Korea, said that in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area In the development plan of the district, Hong Kong has more opportunities in the future, and the region has a stronger ability to radiate and drive. I also believe that Hong Kong's youth will have great potential in this process.

(Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, July 2)

"Guangming Daily" (12th edition on July 4, 2022)

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