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The five major listed insurance companies will distribute dividends of 82.9 billion yuan in 2021, and China Ping An will lead the way with 43.1 billion yuan


2022-07-05 14:15:35

With the announcement of China Pacific Insurance's 2021 dividend distribution implementation announcement, the dividend distribution plans of the five major listed insurance companies have all been approved by the shareholders' meeting. Among them, China Ping An has completed the distribution of cash dividends.

"Daily Economic News" reporters sorted out statistics, China Life Insurance (SH601628, stock price 30.52 yuan, market value 862.6 billion yuan), China Ping An (SH601318, stock price 46.46 yuan, market value 849.3 billion yuan), China Insurance (SH601319, stock price 5.03 yuan, market value) 222.4 billion yuan), China Pacific Insurance (SH601601, stock price of 23.35 yuan, market value of 224.6 billion yuan), Xinhua Insurance (SH601336, stock price of 31.63 yuan, market value of 98.7 billion yuan) The five major listed insurance companies will pay a total of about 82.9 billion in dividends in 2021.

Five listed insurance companies issued dividends

On June 30, China Pacific Insurance announced that the 2021 profit distribution will be based on the company's total share capital of about 9.62 billion shares before the implementation of the plan, and a cash dividend of 1 yuan per share will be distributed, with a total cash dividend of about 9.62 billion yuan.The equity registration date is July 8, and the cash dividend distribution date is July 11.

According to the data, the profit distribution of CPIC in 2021 is based on the audited financial statements of the parent company, and the total cash dividends in 2021 will account for 35.9% of the net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company for the year.After the cash dividend distribution, CPIC's solvency adequacy ratio has no significant impact, and it is expected to meet regulatory requirements after the implementation of C-ROSS II.

The reporter noticed that Ping An of China has completed the 2021 annual dividend distribution on June 20. If the interim dividend is included in the distribution of cash dividends of 0.88 yuan per share, Ping An will distribute dividends to shareholders of 2.38 yuan in cash per share in 2021, an increase of 8.2% year-on-year. , with a total dividend of about 43.1 billion.

Although China Life, PICC, and Xinhua Insurance have not yet entered the dividend distribution stage, the 2021 profit distribution plan has been reviewed and approved at the general meeting of shareholders.

Specifically, China Life plans to distribute a cash dividend of 0.65 yuan per share (tax included) to all shareholders in 2021.As of December 31, 2021, China Life has issued 28.265 billion shares, and based on this calculation, the proposed cash dividends total about 18.372 billion yuan (tax included).In 2021, China Life's total cash dividends accounted for 36% of the net profit attributable to shareholders of the parent company in the consolidated financial statements.

The PICC profit distribution plan shows that it plans to distribute a cash dividend of 1.47 yuan (tax included) for every 10 shares. Based on the total share capital of 44.224 billion shares, the total proposed cash dividend is 6.501 billion yuan (tax included).In 2021, PICC’s consolidated net profit attributable to the parent company will be 21.638 billion yuan, and the dividend ratio will reach 30.04%.In addition to the 2021 semi-annual dividends already distributed (0.17 yuan in cash dividends per 10 shares, a total of 752 million yuan), the full-year dividends in 2021 will be 1.64 yuan in cash dividends per 10 shares, and the total cash dividends will be distributed about 7.253 billion yuan. The cash dividend ratio is 33.5%.

New China Insurance plans to distribute a cash dividend of 1.44 yuan per share (tax included) to all shareholders, which is about 4.492 billion yuan in total based on the company's 3.12 billion issued shares.

The profit distribution ratios of each insurance company are not exactly the same, but they have maintained a good level of dividends on the premise of considering sustainable development.In terms of total dividends, Ping An ranks first among the top five listed insurance companies in terms of total dividends.

Premium income in the first five months of 1.35 trillion

The reporter noticed that the latest premium data of the five listed insurance companies was also disclosed recently.Data show that from January to May 2022, the five major insurance companies achieved a total premium income of 1.35 trillion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 3.8%.Specifically, PICC achieved a premium income of 317.983 billion yuan, an increase of 12.86% year-on-year; China Pacific Insurance achieved a premium income of 201.424 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 6.7%; New China Insurance achieved a premium income of 86.779 billion yuan, an increase of 4.97% year-on-year; Income was 364.22 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 0.9%; China Life achieved a premium income of 379.2 billion yuan, a year-on-year decrease of 1.86%.

An analysis by Ping An Securities said that the original premium income of major listed insurance companies' life insurance business generally showed a growth trend in May.On the one hand, major listed insurance companies focus on customer needs and improve product systems around whole life insurance, long-term annuity and health insurance; at the same time, they promote new business through channel reform and periodic commission incentives.On the other hand, from February 2021, under the pressure of sales of high-value critical illness products, the new orders of major listed insurance companies have declined significantly. Under the low base effect in the same period, it is expected that new orders in a single month in May will initially stabilize.

"In the short term, market sentiment is high, domestic liquidity is relatively abundant, and sector rotation is obvious. Driven by the changes of securities companies, the beta attribute of the insurance industry is strong, showing a trend of follow-up." Ping An Securities said that in the long run Look, the auto insurance repair trend is clear, and it is recommended to pay attention to the allocation opportunities of the property insurance industry in the sub-sector.

Every reporter Yuan Yuan every editor Chen Xing

(Editor in charge: Jiang Ninglu)

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