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Shuffle! The central bank cancels 17 new payment licenses in late June


2022-07-08 09:55:24

The reshuffle of the payment industry continues. Following the announcement of the renewal results of the fourth batch of payment licenses in late June, the central bank's official website recently updated the list of institutions that have cancelled licenses, adding 17 third-party payment providers, plus Shanghai, which had been voluntarily cancelled before the renewal. Xinhua Media E-Commerce Co., Ltd., Shaanxi Post West Mail Electronic Payment Co., Ltd., and the cancellation results of the 19 payment licenses in the June renewal of the big test were officially finalized.

The reporter noticed that among the 17 newly cancelled payment licenses, prepaid card licenses accounted for the vast majority, involving 15; in addition, there were 2 local digital TV payment licenses.In addition to the issuance and acceptance of prepaid cards, Merchant Bank Pay is also qualified for Internet payment.Among the 17 licenses, the holders of 10 payment licenses did not submit renewal applications, 6 were cancelled voluntarily by the holders, and 1 failed to be renewed.

According to the official website of the central bank, a total of 68 payment licenses have been cancelled, and there are 203 remaining licensed payment institutions.

52 payment institutions successfully renewed

On June 26, the People's Bank of China announced the results of the fourth batch of payment license renewals for non-bank payment institutions. The review of the exhibition application was suspended, and the payment licenses of 19 institutions were cancelled.

Specifically, the 8 payment institutions that have suspended renewals are Huichao Payment Co., Ltd., Shanghai Hanyin Information Technology Co., Ltd., Yinshitong Information Technology Co., Ltd., Jialian Payment Co., Ltd., Jiupai Tianxia Payment Co., Ltd., Gangyintong Information Technology Service Co., Ltd., Jiangxi Payton Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Yunnan Benyuan Payment Management Co., Ltd.

According to the information, due to the circumstances stipulated in Article 24 of the Measures for the Implementation of Administrative Licensing of the People's Bank of China (referred to as the Measures), the Central Bank has decided to suspend the review of the application for renewal of the Payment Business License of the above-mentioned institutions.

The reporter combed the relevant provisions of the "Measures" and found that the circumstances that the central bank may suspend the review may involve: the applicant is investigated by the central bank or other administrative agencies for suspected violations of laws and regulations, or by judicial agencies, and the case has not been closed, which has a significant impact on administrative licensing matters; or other administrative organs have taken regulatory measures such as restricting business activities, ordering to suspend business for rectification, etc., but have not yet been lifted; being taken over by the central bank or other administrative organs, and the period of taking over has not yet expired; the provisions of relevant laws, administrative regulations, decisions and rules of the State Council need to be further If the specific meaning is clarified, the central bank requests the relevant authorities to provide an explanation; the applicant voluntarily requests to suspend the review, and there are legitimate reasons.

Among the above-mentioned 8 institutions that have suspended the renewal review, Jialian Payment is a well-known third-party payment institution controlled by the listed company Xinguodu (SZ300130, stock price 12.39 yuan, market value 6.2 billion yuan), and has one of the "POS machine leaders" in the industry. say.Xin Guodu also announced a few days ago that the company will closely communicate with the regulatory authorities about the matters involved in the suspension, and will immediately initiate a renewal after the suspension disappears.

It is worth mentioning that there are 19 institutions whose payment licenses have been cancelled. Some of them are not renewed because they have not submitted a renewal application, and some have withdrawn voluntarily within the validity period of the license.

Specifically, 10 payment institutions did not renew their renewals because they did not submit renewal applications, namely Shanghai Yifu Digital Technology Co., Ltd., Shanghai Commercial High-tech Development Co., Ltd., Shanghai Leyi Information Technology Co., Ltd., and Shanghai Ruifu Digital Technology Co., Ltd. De Enterprise Service Co., Ltd., Shangyinxin Payment Service Co., Ltd., Beijing Yinbo Shengshi E-Commerce Co., Ltd., UnionPay (Beijing) Payment Co., Ltd., Beijing Guangjufu Payment Co., Ltd., China Travel (Beijing) Information Technology Co., Ltd. Company, Guangxi Paytong Business Service Co., Ltd.

8 payment institutions have withdrawn voluntarily within the validity period of the "Payment Business License", namely Shanghai Xinhua Media E-Commerce Co., Ltd., Shandong Chenglian One-Card Payment Co., Ltd., Shenzhen Shanglian Commercial Electronic Technology Co., Ltd., and Shaanxi Post West Co., Ltd. Mail Electronic Payment Co., Ltd., Xiamen Xiangyu Payment Co., Ltd., Kunming Kahu Card Payment Technology Co., Ltd., Zhoushan Mingsheng Shangmeng Technology Service Co., Ltd., Zhejiang Yinfutong Information Technology Co., Ltd.

Prepaid card industry licenses will be reduced?

In addition, one payment institution failed to pass this renewal, namely Huitongbao Payment Co., Ltd.The information shows that due to the circumstances stipulated in Article 17 of the "Administrative Licensing Implementation Measures of the People's Bank of China", the central bank decided not to accept its renewal application.

The reporter reviewed the relevant provisions of the "Measures" and found that the circumstances that the central bank may not accept include: the application matters do not fall within the scope of the central bank's authority; the supplementary materials provided by the applicant are incomplete and do not conform to the statutory form; Other circumstances that meet the acceptance conditions, etc.

Wang Pengbo, a senior analyst in the financial industry analyzed by Broadcom, said that according to the previously disclosed non-renewal situation, it is not common for similar institutions to be delisted mainly because they "failed to truthfully submit relevant materials and reflect the real situation".

The reporter noticed that most of the above-mentioned 19 cancelled licenses involved the issuance and acceptance of local prepaid cards.

In an interview with reporters, Wang Pengbo said that from an industry point of view, the main reason is that the rise of mobile payment has driven changes in the overall business logic, and at the same time, the management regulations related to reserve funds and changes in tax policies will affect the prepaid card licensees of the original model. Therefore, it can be seen that there are many cases of survival of the fittest in prepaid card institutions.

"In the future, it is expected that the overall prepaid card industry will continue to reduce the number of licenses without new policies, and the market share will be concentrated in institutions that can issue and accept prepaid cards nationwide." Wang Pengbo told reporters.

According to the statistics of the central bank's administrative approval and public announcement, the number of sub-branch licenses has been reduced from 271 at the peak to 203 at present, and the total number has been reduced by 68.

"On the whole, the main force exiting the market is still prepaid card institutions. The payment market is still running very smoothly, and there has been no rumor that there have been major changes in offline acquirers. The People's Bank of China has always insisted on strengthening supervision and regulating development. , continue to optimize the supply-side structural reform of the payment market. It is expected that in the next step, the People's Bank of China will continue to promote the healthy development of the payment market." Wang Pengbo told reporters.

Every reporter Li Yuwen every time an intern editor Ma Ziqing

(Editor in charge: Jiang Ninglu)

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