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The salary of listed companies reflects the development trend of the industry, and fiscal, taxation and financial policies give priority to stabilizing employment


2022-07-08 09:55:48

On July 7, the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the "Notice on Carrying out Human Resource Service Organizations to Stabilize Employment and Promote Employment", requiring all localities to give full play to the advantages of human resources service organizations in matching supply and demand, professionalism and efficiency, and continuously expand the supply of market-oriented employment services, and effectively strengthen Effective employment promotion.Special emphasis is placed on promoting the employment of college graduates.

Stable employment is the key support for keeping the economy running within a reasonable range.Through an all-round perspective on policies, industries and regions for stabilizing employment in 2022, the latest version of the "Employment Guide" in 2022 not only allows graduates to feel the warmth of the policy, but also feels the strong resilience and strength of China's economic development. vitality.

Preliminary effect of stabilizing employment

With the number of college graduates breaking through 10 million for the first time in 2022, and the scale and increment hitting a record high, how to write a good "employment answer sheet" not only concerns the livelihood of the majority of families, but also reflects the "general trend" of economic and social development .

This year's "Government Work Report" proposes to continue to do a good job of "six stability" and "six guarantees", and proposes to strengthen the employment priority policy.Fiscal, tax, financial and other policies should be implemented around employment priority, and increased support for enterprises to stabilize and expand jobs.

Since the beginning of this year, various regions and departments have introduced relevant policies and measures to implement various measures to stabilize employment.For example, Sichuan Province has introduced 15 policies and measures to further stabilize and expand employment, and proposed that small and medium-sized micro-enterprises who recruit college graduates in the year of graduation, those who have been registered as unemployed for more than half a year, sign labor contracts for more than one year, and pay social insurance premiums as required, will be granted 1,000 yuan/person for one-time employment subsidy.

In terms of helping key groups to find employment, Guangdong Province has implemented ten major initiatives for college graduates to find employment and entrepreneurship, and vigorously tap the potential of policy-related jobs in state-owned enterprises, government agencies and institutions, and grass-roots service projects.Launched "Public Employment Services into Campus", held 530 recruitment activities, and provided 293,000 jobs.

A few days ago, the "Notice on Doing a Good Job in the Employment and Entrepreneurship of College Graduates in Shanghai in 2022" jointly issued by 11 departments in Shanghai pointed out that it will mobilize central enterprises in Shanghai, Shanghai-owned and district-owned state-owned enterprises to expand the recruitment of college graduates. scale.At the same time, it is required to expand the scale of grass-roots employment projects for college graduates, encourage social organizations to create more jobs, and absorb college graduates for employment.

Fu Yifu, a senior researcher at Xingtu Financial Research Institute, said in an interview with a reporter from Securities Daily that in the first half of the year, the economy faced downward pressure, and the number of fresh graduates this year hit a new high, which objectively aggravated the employment pressure of graduates.In this context, a series of positive policies for graduate employment, such as building platforms, granting subsidies, and providing guidance, can be said to be at the right time. They can help graduates employment in all aspects from job opportunities and news channels. And then improve its employment pressure.

At present, the effect of stabilizing employment has been initially shown.According to the latest data obtained by the "Securities Daily" reporter from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security, the special campaign for 100,000-year online recruitment has been carried out for five weeks. As of June 19, 450,000 employers have posted job requirements for 12.19 million person-times.

On June 29, the regular meeting of the central bank's Monetary Policy Committee in the second quarter of 2022 (the 97th in total) emphasized the need to coordinate efforts to stabilize employment and prices.

Li Yishuang, chief analyst of fixed income at Cinda Securities, told the "Securities Daily" reporter that since the second quarter, due to the impact of the epidemic, the downward pressure on my country's economy has increased, resulting in a decrease in the restraint of economic growth goals. Therefore, more emphasis has been placed on the policy level. To make the economy operate within a reasonable range, the connotation of a reasonable range is to maintain the stability of employment and prices.In general, "stabilizing employment" is still the focus of the current monetary policy.

Listed companies have the most attractive salaries

The choice of salary and career direction is the most important factor in the graduate job search process.Based on the data of multiple recruitment platforms, listed companies have relatively leading salaries; in terms of industries, the financial industry and IT Internet industry have higher salaries.

According to the "Chinese Enterprise Recruitment Salary Report" released by Zhaopin for the second quarter of this year, among the 38 core cities across the country monitored by Zhaopin, in terms of the nature of the enterprises, listed companies continued to rank first with a monthly recruitment salary of 11,584 yuan, which was the same as the previous quarter. Compared with the average recruitment salary increased by 3.8%.In terms of industry, in the second quarter of this year, the financial industry and the IT Internet industry are still the industries with leading salary.

According to statistics from Flush iFinD, a reporter from "Securities Daily" shows that in 2021, the per capita annual salary of non-bank finance and banking industry will be 511,400 yuan and 424,200 yuan, respectively, based on the 31 Shenwan first-level industries updated in the 2021 edition.Secondly, the per capita annual salary of seven major industries including real estate, media, petroleum and petrochemical industry, transportation, public utilities, building decoration and computer are all above 200,000 yuan.

Among the six companies with an average annual salary of more than 1 million yuan, two non-bank financial companies are included.If this statistical scope is expanded to 115 companies with an annual salary of more than 500,000 yuan, there are 40 and 11 in the non-banking financial industry and 11 in the banking industry, totaling 51, accounting for about 44.34%.

Of course, as the most competitive group of Chinese enterprises, listed companies also have the highest salary advantages, and they should also comprehensively look at the salary conditions of various enterprises.

Data show that in 2021, the average wages of employees in urban non-private and urban private units in the financial industry will increase by 13.1% and 15.1% respectively.

"After experiencing the impact of the epidemic in 2020, the financial industry will improve in 2021, the performance of financial institutions will pick up, the salary of some securities companies and investment companies will increase, and the capital market service industry will increase significantly. Among urban non-private units, the average salary of the capital market service industry will increase. 21.2%, at the same time, some large insurance companies have reduced staff and increased efficiency, insurance agents have greatly reduced, and the average salary level has increased, all of which have driven the rapid growth of the average salary in the financial industry." Wang Pingping, director of the Department of Population and Employment Statistics of the National Bureau of Statistics, said. .

It is worth noting that, in order to alleviate the employment pressure of college graduates this year, many financial institutions have launched enrollment expansion.The "Securities Daily" reporter learned from the human resources department of a leading securities firm that the total number of recruits for 2022 graduates has more than doubled from the previous year.Although the campus recruitment plan for the 2023 class has not yet been released, it is expected to remain stable.Guotai Junan also recently announced that on the basis of the completion of the 2022 campus recruitment work, it will quickly start the expansion of 6 types of positions, and plans to recruit 100 Shanghai college graduates in 2022.

The employment flow of graduates highlights the level of regional economic development

The "2022 Graduation Season Survey and Analysis Report" shows that first-tier cities are still the first choice cities for most graduates due to their outstanding employment opportunities, economic strength and location advantages. Compared with this, 38% of graduates choose new first-tier cities. It's because it's close to home.Specifically, four first-tier cities and 13 cities including Hangzhou, Xi'an, Changsha, Chengdu, Qingdao, Wuhan, Chongqing, Dongguan and Tianjin are popular with graduates, all showing a net inflow trend.

"Generally speaking, these cities are mainly distributed in five major urban agglomerations in my country, namely Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, Yangtze River Delta, Pearl River Delta, Chengdu-Chongqing economic circle, and urban agglomerations in the middle reaches of the Yangtze River." Li Qiang, Executive Vice President of Zhaopin Recruitment, said in an interview with Securities Daily "The reporter said in an interview that, in terms of characteristics, these cities have leading economic strength, strong innovation capabilities, mature business environments, and a positive cycle between talents and industries.

It is worth mentioning that according to the statistics of iFinD, the reporter learned that the above five city clusters, especially the aforementioned 13 cities, include 2,246 A-share listed companies, accounting for about 46% of the total A-share listed companies.

Fu Yifu said that the number of listed companies is often highly related to the local economic foundation, business environment and market vitality.The reason why Beijing, Shanghai, Shenzhen, Guangzhou, etc. can gather a large number of listed companies is because these places generally have strong economic strength, solid industrial foundation, high-quality business environment, vigorous market vitality, and can attract a large number of talents and production factors such as capital inflows, so it can spawn a large number of listed companies.

Combined with the "Report on Recruitment and Salary of Chinese Enterprises", driven by factors such as policy support and technological development, the development of my country's high-tech manufacturing-related industries continues to maintain a strong trend, and the demand for talents has increased significantly.Correspondingly, salaries have been increased accordingly.Especially in the second quarter of this year, salaries in high-tech manufacturing, integrated circuits, biomedicine, automobiles and other industries rose rapidly.

"In recent years, the output of industries including high-tech manufacturing, integrated circuits, and biomedicine has maintained high growth, and its proportion in GDP has steadily increased." Zhou Maohua, a macro researcher at the Financial Market Department of China Everbright Bank, told the "Securities Daily" reporter that my country's super-large economy The volume and demand potential create broad development space for these industries.The development of these industries is in line with the direction of my country's industrial transformation and upgrading, demographic changes, and consumption upgrade needs.Therefore, it also needs the support of a large number of talents, especially innovative and development-oriented talents.

Our reporter Du Yumeng Meng Ke

(Editor in charge: Jiang Ninglu)

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