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Yonghui Supermarket was fined for selling substandard products, the person in charge had cancelled 7 supermarket stores


2022-07-08 09:57:55

China Net Finance July 8 (Reporter Zhong Wenxin) According to the website of Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration, on July 6, Shenzhen Yonghui Supermarket Co., Ltd. Guangming Minghuicheng Shopping Center was fined 1,359 yuan for selling substandard products.

Image source: Shenzhen Market Supervision Administration website

According to the website of Shenzhen Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, Shenzhen Yonghui Supermarket Co., Ltd. Guangming Minghuicheng Shopping Center sells substandard products, which violates the "Product Quality Law of the People's Republic of China" and "Shenzhen Special Economic Zone Product Quality Management Regulations", Shenzhen City The Guangming Supervision Bureau of the Market Supervision Administration imposed a fine of 1,359 yuan on the company and confiscated illegal gains and illegal property.

Image source: Tianyancha website

According to the Tianyancha website, Shenzhen Yonghui Supermarket Co., Ltd. Bright Minghuicheng Shopping Center store was established in May 2019. The person in charge, Wang Yuping, is responsible for 13 companies, of which 7 are cancelled.

(Editor in charge: Hua Qingjian)

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