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Gradiant Announces Acquisition of Taiwan WaterPark Environmental Company


2022-07-11 13:33:49

Gradiant, a global provider and developer of cleantech water solutions, has announced the acquisition of WaterParkEnvironmental(WaterPark).

Waterpark is a Taiwan-based design and construction company focused on water technology for advanced manufacturing in high-tech industries such as semiconductors and microelectronics.


"This collaboration will help semiconductor and other advanced industries obtain the purest water at the highest yields while meeting environmental discharge limits," said Prakash Govindan, chief operating officer of Gradiant, in a statement. And recycle precious resources that would otherwise go to waste.”

"For a global industry facing supply chain shortages, climate change and rising material costs, our technological innovations are critical to meeting the demands of business continuity, sustainability and cost."

Meanwhile, WaterPark Chairman Huey-Song You said: "Combining our proprietary technology and industry expertise with Gradiant's holistic water and digital solutions, we will help advanced manufacturing plants around the world best manage their water."

The acquisition strengthens Gradiant's proprietary technology and application expertise in industrial water, particularly high-rate biological wastewater, advanced oxidation and ultrapure water.

Gradiant's comprehensive technology and end-to-end solutions will also facilitate Taiwan's leading manufacturers of advanced industries serving water parks.

Existing semiconductor and microelectronics customers of the combined business include some of the world's best-known brands such as Universal Foundry, Micron, Intel, TSMC, UMC, AUO and Chi Mei.

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