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Private equity tycoon Ge Weidong has continuously reduced his holdings of iFlytek


2022-07-12 11:32:18

According to news on July 11, recently, private equity giant Ge Weidong has sold off the domestic AI leader iFLYTEK (002230) (002230.SZ).

According to the comparison of the financial report data, in the second quarter of this year, Ge Weidong reduced his holdings of iFLYTEK by 4.99 million shares, and the latest shareholding fell to 31.51 million shares, accounting for 1.36% of the total share capital. The latest shareholding value was nearly 1.3 billion yuan, ranking No. 1 The position of 8 major shareholders.Counting the 3.096 million shares he held in the previous quarter, Ge Weidong has reduced his holdings of iFlytek shares by a total of 8.086 million shares this year. According to the average transaction price of 43.26 yuan per share, he sold and cashed out about 350 million yuan.

In 2017, Ge Weidong bought 23.581 million shares when the stock price of iFlytek was rising, becoming the fifth largest shareholder.In the first quarter of 2020, Ge Weidong continued to purchase 850,000 shares of iFLYTEK, and continued to increase his holdings by 120,000 shares in the second quarter, bringing the number of shares held to 51.1017 million shares, accounting for 2.33% of the total share capital.

Since then, Ge Weidong has reduced his holdings for seven consecutive quarters.In the fourth quarter of 2020, Ge Weidong reduced its holdings of iFLYTEK by 232,300 shares; from the first to the fourth quarter of 2021, it reduced its holdings by a total of 11.274 million shares, and in the first two quarters of 2022 by a total of 8.086 million shares.

On July 11, iFLYTEK closed at 41.20 yuan per share, down 3.29%, with a total market value of 95.739 billion.Shares of iFLYTEK have fallen 21.5% this year.Chengdu Business Daily-Red Star News reporter Yu Yao Xie Yutong intern Tang Jian

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