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Well-known fund managers are busy with research and new energy and technology become the focus


2022-07-12 11:37:18

Recently, Cui Chenlong of Qianhai Open Source Fund, Yang Ruiwen of Invesco Great Wall Fund, Cai Songsong of NuoAn Fund, and the relocation of Industrial Securities Global Fund have exposed their research paths. New energy and technology tracks are still the focus of research.Based on past experience, fund managers often do detailed research in advance to screen out the most promising industries or companies when they open positions in some industries or individual stocks.

New energy attracts attention

From the perspective of companies, since June, a total of 11 listed companies have attracted more than 300 institutions to investigate.Among them, the most frequently surveyed is Inovance Technology in the robotics industry, with a total of 579 institutions conducting surveys on the company.Estun, Opter, Hengdian DMC, Yi Jiahe were also focused on by institutions, attracting 549, 474, 402 and 395 institutions respectively to investigate.

Taking Huichuan Technology as an example, there are a large number of institutions participating in the research, and the lineup can be called "luxury".There are leading public offerings such as Wells Fargo Fund, China Europe Fund, Ruiyuan Fund, etc., as well as well-known private placements such as Tongyuan Investment, Gao Yi Assets, Ningquan Assets, and Hillhouse Capital.In addition, foreign capital such as JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs Asset Management, and Temasek also rarely gathered.

From a long-term perspective, the new energy track represented by lithium batteries and photovoltaics has continued to surge in the past two months and has become a sector that has attracted much attention in the market.A number of fund managers personally went to the field to conduct in-depth research on related companies in the upstream and downstream of the new energy industry chain, and many of them were "top-notch" fund managers.

Dow Technology, which has completed the layout of new energy lithium battery materials, has attracted well-known fund managers such as Cui Chenlong of Qianhai Open Source Fund, Yang Dong of Wells Fargo Fund, and Dong Han of Invesco Great Wall Fund to participate in the online research meeting.

Tech stocks are favored

Technology stocks have recently been the focus of a number of well-known fund managers.Well-known fund managers such as Invesco Great Wall Fund Yang Ruiwen, NuoAn Fund Cai Songsong, and Industrial Securities Global Fund relocation attended the video conference of Wingtech.Since June, among the 326 institutional investors who have participated in the investigation of Wingtech, there are many leading public offerings such as China Southern Asset Management, Industrial Securities Global Fund, and Wells Fargo Fund, well-known private equity institutions such as Jinglin Assets and Sequoia Capital, as well as Fidelity, Goldman Sachs, etc. Well-known foreign institutions.

The "Humanoid Robot" plan released by Estun has attracted much attention recently. Since June, the company has accepted a total of 549 research institutions.From the survey list, Harvest Fund, China Southern Asset Management, Bank of Communications Schroders, China Universal Fund, Cathay Pacific Fund, Greenwood Capital, Goldman Sachs Asset Management and many other institutions participated.

Since June, Glodon has received surveys from 237 institutions, including 52 fund companies.Well-known fund managers such as Harvest Fund Gui Kai and Hongde Fund Wu Chuanyan attended the online survey.

In addition, Hu Xinwei of China Universal Fund investigated Roboteco and Juchen, and Li Xiaoxing of Yinhua Fund participated in the research of iFLYTEK.

optimistic about the market outlook

Standing at the current point in time, many fund managers are optimistic about the follow-up trend of the stock market.The Shanghai Investment Morgan Fund believes that with the support of a relatively loose monetary environment and stable growth policies, the upward trend of A shares is expected to continue, but market volatility may increase.During the performance disclosure period of the interim report, investors can pay attention to high-prosperity tracks such as power equipment and automobiles supported by actual performance, and prefer midstream manufacturing industries with improved cost margins, as well as financial and infrastructure sectors that benefit from stable growth policies.

China Europe Fund said that tourism, catering, hotels, aviation and other industries have a lot of room for future recovery, and they can gradually pay attention.In addition, we can continue to pay attention to industries with policy support, strong demand and abundant funds, especially new infrastructure fields with high growth and high certainty in the medium term, including energy infrastructure, green power and digital infrastructure.

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